
Giant Sea Animals Are Not So Giant After All

Medicine & Technology The oceans largest creatures aren't quite as large as we often image, according to a new study. According to a report published in the journal Peer J, humans are not very good at visualizing the size of creatures like the giant squid or whales, and media reports usually exaggerate their size too. The team of researchers from the U.S. and Canada compared popular reports and scientific reports for 25 different species of marine creatures, including whales, sharks, squids and other giant ocean dwellers, and found that most of the animals were actually smaller than what was reported.

How Zebras Got Their Stripes & Why Climate Change is Likely to Blame

While they're not alone in the vast wonders of Africa's abundant plains, zebras in particular have posed quite a quandary to scientists in past decades. Their unique striping of black and white have always sparked interest in their study, but the ever failing hypotheses quickly discouraged the discovery of their significance-if any at all. But while many researchers have failed in associating the stripes with social order of a herd or even as camouflaging tactics in the wild, a new study published this month in the journal Royal Society Open Science, researchers have discovered that the stripes are much more like a tan than we think.

Vanishing Pulsar Locked in Stellar Tug-Of-War

Astronomers are currently observing a massive stella tug-of-war taking place between a rotating neutron star - known as a pulsar - and another star, which is so intense that it is bending space and making the pulsar wobble—causing it to disappear from view.

New Study Reveals Beethoven's Music May Have Come from His Heart

According a new essay published in the journal Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, the renowned composer Ludwig van Beethoven may have been suffering from a heartbeat disorder, that may have influenced parts of some of his greatest works.

Pop-Up Printing Techniques in the Age of 3D Printing

The age of 3D printing is upon us, and many individuals and companies alike have leveraged the power of 3D printing for everything from the manufacturing of parts to creating fully functioning prosthetic limbs. Now, researchers at Northwestern University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed a new fabrication technique that is simple and will create beautiful and complex 3D micro- and nanonstructures.

Polar Bears May Be Solving Their Own Problems—But Not For Long

While researchers and diplomats all over the world are attempting to deal with the issues of climate change, the United Nations in particular who are trying to unite all nations in a collective effort, it’s the animal species at the Earth’s poles that are facing this change on the front line. And though the valiant efforts made in recent summits have yet to amount to much change, it appears that animals in the Arctic are finding a solution of their own— well, a temporary one at least.

NASA—How Tropical Rainforests May Help End the Climate Change Issue

If 2014 made anything evident on the global stage, it’s that climate change is a serious issue and one that must be dealt with urgently. Many hope that the United Nations Summit in 2015 will bring some sort of international change, but with new research from the US space agency NASA, researchers are now saying that we may have some added help on our side—tropical rainforests.

Blue Hole of Belize—The Fall of Maya Civilization Found in the Sand

Over the past Millenia, civilizations even before the age of written history, have fallen when faced with famine, disease and even war. But when the most advanced civilization in the world disappears without a reason, the mystery creates some unique speculations. For years now, researchers and archaeologists have sought out an answer to what happened to the Mesoamerican Mayan civilization, and while theories have run the gamut from mass suicide to disease and famine, researchers now believe that they have found the answer entombed in an underwater lagoon.

How Many Times Did the International Space Station Crew Ring in the New Year? Can You Guess?

While their families and colleagues must undoubtedly think about them 24 hours a day, it seems that most residents of Earth never find themselves pondering what life must be like for the elite six astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) just outside our atmosphere. Orbiting the Earth in a giant space-bound laboratory, life can get pretty interesting. And something even as innocuous as the ball drop of a new year can turn into something entirely note-worthy.

Endangered Subspecies of Giraffe Born in Chester Zoo, Raising Hope For The Future of The Species

The tallest terrestrial animal on the planet, giraffes, occupy the scorching plains of Sub-Saharan Africa. And, despite popular knowledge, "giraffe" is what scientists like to call an umbrella common name, consisting of, at least 9 different subspecies. And while some subspecies are more abundant than the rest, one particular subspecies that is quite endangered has new hope on the horizon. On December 29th, a Rothschild's giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis thornicrofti) calf, named Zahra, was born at the Chester Zoo in England, added some new genetic variation into the small population left in captivity of Rothschild's giraffes.

What Lay in Seas of Venus? Researchers Say They May Have Found the Cloudlike Answer

As NASA contemplates sending man to Venus, to live in a floating civilization above the hostile burning surface, new research reveals that while current surface temperatures soar above a bone-ashing 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures may have once supported some sort of liquid on the surface—but you won’t be able to guess what it is.

Facebook Comments on Class Action Lawsuit—Are They Going Through Your Messages?

After more than a year of legal fees and litigation, Facebook has finally seen the course of what their class action lawsuit will entail for them, and now they’re commenting back. Now you might view Facebook as the protectors of your dirty little secrets, or even the social media source connecting you to your friends worldwide, but a new class-action lawsuit the company faces alleges that Facebook employs have been scanning users’ messages for information—and your messages may have been hacked too.

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