
‘Brainy’ Robots May Revolutionize Underwater Exploration

Exiting news out of MIT: underwater robots just got smarter. Inspired by Star Trek's Enterprise, the folks at MIT have developed a new program that gives AUVs (autonomous underwater vehicles) greater decision-making capabilities.

Bat-Like Bot May Soon Fly Its Way Into Space—The New Drone Frontier

The future of transformer-like technology is here, with a new bat-like robot that can crawl around on all fours, as well as fly away. The DALER, otherwise known as the Deployable Air-Land Exploration Robot, is officially here, and it shares a stunning resemblance to its inspiration—the vampire bat.

New Pop-Up 3D Structures Mimic Neural Circuitry

Who knew that children's pop-up books could provide so much knowledge. According to researchers, scientists can now make complex microscopic 3D shapes that model brain circuitry and blood vessels by mimicking classic children's pop-up books.
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