
The Hunt is On for Exomoons That May Harbor Life

The search for life doesn't end at our solar system and it is not limited to just planets. Scientists are now searching for moons orbiting alien planets in other systems that could harbor extraterrestrial life.

Can U.S. Supercomputers Regain Top Title?

It’s a sad day when the U.S. realizes it’s no longer the leader of the pack. But the title is something that the government will pay well to regain.

China’s Supercomputer Tianhe-2 Reigns Supreme

While the U.S. and the E.U may lead the pack in many sectors of technological advancements, and the concept of smart cities, it’s China’s supercomputers that continue to reign supreme. Commemorating the opening day of the SC14 Supercomputing Show in New Orleans, Monday Nov. 17, a team of researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the University of Tennessee and German tech company Prometeus issued the 2014 list of the top 500 most powerful computing systems in the world. And though the race was close this year, China’s massive Tianhe-2 supercomputer topped the list at No.1, for the fourth time in a row.
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