
Why Do Placebos Work?

How Effective Are Placebo Treatments?

The placebo effect goes back to the 16th century in Europe where the Catholic Church used fake holy objects to determine which demonic possessions were real. Today, placebo treatments are widely accepted in clinical trials. Why is the placebo effect so effective?

Who is Gertrude Elion?

Gertrude Elion is the reason why today's medical experts have developed various types of drug treatments. Because of her work, scientists have been able to repurpose drugs and develop new treatments during the pandemic.
Science Times - Dietary Nitrate May Help Improve Diaphragm Function

Dietary Nitrate May Help Improve Diaphragm Function

Scientists discover how nitrate helps strengthen lung muscles and improve oxygen circulation. The elderly, those with severe cases, and other high-risk groups with coronavirus may be able to cope better with dietary nitrate.
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