World Health Organization

WHO: 1 In Every 10 Newborns Is Premature

Every year, more than 1 in every 10 babies born is premature, meaning with over 15 million births, an estimated one million die of complications, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Tuberculosis Kills Thousands Daily

Tuberculosis, declared as a curable and treatable infection, is killing an "unacceptably high" number of individuals per day close at hand with HIV/AIDS according to the World Health Organization's report last Wednesday.

Cuba eradicates mother-to-child HIV

The World Health Organization (WHO) certified Cuba as the first country to have successfully eradicated mother-to-child HIV and syphilis.

On the Ebola Front, Good News for Liberia, Caution for Neighboring Countries

A year later and over 4,000 dead, Liberia can finally breathe a sigh of relief as The World Health Organization (WHO) declares the country Ebola free. "The outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Liberia is over," according to a WHO statement given at the emergency command center in Monrovia, as reported by The New York Times. But this doesn't mean Africa is in the clear. In fact, if the countries surrounding Liberia are included, the death toll from the past year's outbreak soars to more than 11,000, making the current outbreak five times deadlier that all previous outbreaks combined.
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