Nicole Logan on Unsplash

Dashcams Help Prove Fault in Motor Vehicle Accidents

Now, though, technology may be the solution to this problem. Dashcams, like those that come standard on Teslas, are catching more and more accidents on camera and are helping to settle personal injury disputes around who is at fault.
Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

VLC technology: Benefits & How It Works

One such term is visible light communication or VLC. If this sounds foreign to you, it's because VLC is a technology that not many people are familiar with yet, but has the potential to bring about significant changes in the future.
 Possessed Photography on Unsplash

How Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Changing Medicine?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one topic that should be of great interest to us all since it is constantly revolutionizing the world in unimaginable ways. The healthcare system is one area where the effects of AI are already being felt.
Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels

How is Advanced Software Supporting the Modern Business?

The world of business is no different in this regard, as it, too, needs to evolve to remain relevant in a competitive environment, and advanced software can be a prime example of this. If you happen to be a proud business owner looking for new ways to support your company, or you are simply curious about the current lay of the land, here are some points you might want to note.

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