

Intensified Weather: Can Life On Earth Survive?

With the extreme weather conditions, plants and animals are striving to catch up and a new study shows a model that will help predict if an unprecedented change in the weather and an environment could drive an entire species into extinction.

Black (Nano) Gold Combat Climate Change

By utilizing the methods of nanotechnology, the researchers transformed golden gold to black gold by changing the size and gaps between gold nanoparticles

Giant Plastic Trap Set Up In the Great Pacific Again

A floating device that has been specifically to catch all plastic waste floating in the ocean has been deployed in the Great Pacific. Now, it is out there again in an attempt to clean up what looks like a huge island of plastic garbage swirling between the islands of Hawaii and California.

Tree Rings, Droughts and Climate Change

Tree rings no longer just speak of the years the tree has lived, they can also be used to tell how long climate change has been causing droughts.

Climate Driving New Right Whale Movement

This research discovered that some of these deep waters have warmed nearly 9 degrees Fahrenheit since 2004, twice as much as the fastest warming waters at the surface

Marsh May Help Fight Coastal Erosion

As the sea defences of East Anglia need to be replaced with something that is more resilient to fight off the adverse effects of global warming. Experts say that the Marsh could be the answer.
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