New study released by the researchers at the University of South Australia and Qatar University found a faster decline in the cognitive ability of 4.582 Chinese adults who are older than 55. These adults ate more than 1.76 ounces of chili every day. This was linked by the researchers to memory loss, and the chances are even greater in those who are slim. 

This new study could put the popular spice segment in a negative light. The results of this study are significant because researchers looked at a large group of people for 15 years. According to Ming Li, an epidemiologist at the University of South Australia, eating spicy foods is very common in Asian countries. 

For 15 years, they found that poor cognition was double for those who eat a specific amount of chili every day. Those who participated in the study ate both dried and fresh chili peppers, but they did not eat black pepper or sweet capsicum. 

Spicy foods are not just a hit in Asian countries; through the years, a lot of foods have spicy flavors available, even in ice cream, snacks, and dairy products. A lot of candies are also spiced up by adding Sichuan peppercorn. Brands like Starbursts, Snickers, and Skittles have given in to the spicy trend. 

Even after the research was presented, it is still unclear whether people will still add chili sauce to their food or not. Spicy food has become so popular as people seek out ethnic flavors and exotic foods. This is especially true for those who are adventurous and those who travel a lot. Spicy foods are not just a trend; they are also a part of a country's culture. 

Spicy foods appeal to everyone, in all age groups. A study found that 80% of millennials are interested in spices, from chillies and peppers in their food. Older consumers are interested in spice as well since they want to reduce their sodium, sugar, and fat intake without affecting the flavor. 

The market for spicy food is expected to increase by around 6% between 2018 and 2023 until it reaches a value of $30.4 billion. If consumers reverse this prediction because of the study that was released regarding spicy foods, the market for spicy products could be in trouble.

This was the first-ever study that was released linking spicy foods to memory loss. Most of the studies regarding spicy foods have been positive as it is stated that capsaicin, a component in chili peppers, can reduce fat, increase metabolism, and they can limit vascular disorders.