Losing weight is no easy task. Shedding that excess belly fat takes a lot of effort and dedication. The good news is that if you are already exercising and eating well, taking supplements can help you win the battle of the bulge. Most supplements work by decreasing your appetite, reducing the absorption of fat or increasing the speed at which you burn calories. Here are just a few supplements that may help you reach your target weight. 


Also called lactobacillus, probiotics are microorganisms, or friendly bacteria, credited with improving digestive health and immune function (when the balance between good and bad bacteria in your body is out of whack, you may feel bloated, have diarrhea or be constipated). Research suggests that some strains of probiotics can also help you lose weight by improving your digestive system. Basically, probiotics help your gut break down food, turning it into vitamins and nutrients. Taking lactobacillus gasseri and lactobacillus rhamnosus, in particular, has been associated with weight loss.


Chitosan is sourced from the shells of crustaceans such as crabs, lobsters and shrimp. It is said that chitosan can help you lose weight by reducing the rate at which fat and cholesterol are absorbed by the body. On the downside, chitosan can cause stomach upsets, constipation and heartburn. It goes without saying that chitosan is not suitable for those allergic to shellfish. 


Derived from the root of a plant called konjac, glucomannan is a dietary fiber that absorbs water in the digestive tract to make you feel full. It is also said to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and cholesterol. Glucomannan is also commonly taken to treat diabetes and control blood sugar level. Unfortunately, it can also cause bloating, diarrhea and general abdominal discomfort. This supplement can interfere with some oral medication. 

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)

Found in beef and dairy, CLA can also be taken in supplement form (this is ideal if you are vegetarian). CLA is said to reduce fat, although it is not exactly known how the supplement works. CLA is also said to have anti-cancer properties, and be beneficial for brain and heart health. On the downside, CLA has been associated with increased inflammation and reduction of good cholesterol in the blood. It has also been said that long-term use of CLA can increase insulin resistance. 

Green Tea Extract 

Many might be surprised to find out that this popular beverage is also a common ingredient in weight loss supplements. Green tea is said to decrease fat absorption and increase the calories you burn. More specifically, it contains EGCG, an antioxidant that helps to burn fat. A clinical trial, which involved 50 overweight women showed that those who took a green tea supplement for eight weeks, rather than a placebo, lost more weight. It should be noted that green tea extract contains some caffeine.