(Photo : i.guim.co.uk)
There is a sneaking suspicion that Roaccutane and Accutane killed ten youths because of its potency.

Teens, acne, and death are the keywords of this horrific tragedy, as Roaccutane and Accutane are the drugs that brought on the early demise of these youths. The claim finger points to these powerful anti-acne drugs that help alleviate symptoms of acne, with young people as the most common sufferers of this malady.

Despite the attempt pin it down as the cause of the deaths, it was stressed there is no objective evidence to slam it as the cause. Also, researchers are banging away at understanding how the two drugs affect our neurology. Another part of the research is to start actual documentation of the side effects of the anti-acne drug. One must realize that young people are conscious of their appearance and skin acne is not desirable for them.

Both Roaccutane and Accutane acne treatment is based on the Isotretinoin drug which was approved in 1982 for sale. As like all drugs used by the general public, despite FDA approval, there have been nagging doubt about the safeness of the drug ever since. It is a commercial success because it can cure acne in four to six months tops. The best result from using the acne treatment is Acne never happening again. But, one fact remains is that the drug is might capable of affecting the brains neurology, causing depression with a face full of acne.

Now, finding leads about how Isotretinoin and the derivative "Accutane" need to be studied as a potential cause for young people's untimely deaths. One example is the suicide of a teen, who crashed a plane into a skyscraper that was blamed on Accutane. The mother blamed the suicide on the acne drug and commented the problem could have been avoided.

Connecting the suspected suicides and isotretinoin was investigated to find the answer to it. One of the goals of the study was to look over all the evidence to connect the findings and give conclusive proof. All the reported ill-events connected the use of the anti-acne drug from 1997 to 2017 are parsed together. Evidence was gathered from all these records that list all the negative effects of taking the drug treatment.  These were the compiled facts that were parsed from all the records, related to isotretinoin.

a. Suicide tries

b. Suicidal deaths

c. Depressive conditions

d. Insomnia

e. Anxiety problems

f. Emotional incapacity

All these findings were found out, as the researcher went through all the cases that involved users of the anti-acne medicine. But, one big hole is not having a wide net to account for all evidence gleaned. Symptoms like these might be attributable to other problems not caused by the drug.

But, others suggest that the study is like swiss-cheese with too many dead-ends to account for. Prescribing the drug is normal for a skin specialist because their concern with the skin does not include mental fitness. Further studies are needed to finalize it, but it would not affect the prescription of Roaccutane and Accutane.

Related Article: Acne Drug Linked to 10 Suicides