When the concept of coffee pod machines that could help you to recreate your favourite coffee shop beverage at home first came about, many people were very excited. These machines are present in many homes around the world to this day, but what kind of effect are these having on the environment? Many people don't realise that these pods are not always compostable and they cannot be recycled.

However, recently, some companies have created compostable coffee pods that can allow people to enjoy their favourite coffee without increasing their carbon footprint. Here, we look at these pods more closely and figure out if they are really worth the money. Keep reading to find out more.

What Is The Issue?

When you buy a traditional coffee pod machine, you usually use at least one or two pods each time you make a coffee. This can be incredibly wasteful and a lot of these disposable pods end up on the landfill which is affecting our planet. 

The main issue is that many people don't understand the damage that these kinds of pods are having on the planet and many of the big brands are continuing to bring out new machines that use them. Around 13,500 capsules are consumed every single minute by only 21% of these are recycled. This is a massive issue that needs to be addressed and it is something that a lot of the big coffee brands are not helping with.

What Are Compostable Coffee Pods?

The good news is that there are some sustainable companies that offer products that are compostable and still work inside of the most popular branded machines. The coffee capsules from Halo are a great example of this and they are slowly helping people live more sustainable lives while still enjoying their favourite coffee. 

Sustainable coffee pods are often made from paper rather than plastic or aluminium like the more common types. The great thing about compostable pods is that there are no parts that will end up on the landfill, as long as the user is cautious when disposing of them. With paper capsules, we can place them on our compost pile and not have to worry about the landfill.

What Are The Advantages?

There are many advantages to using compostable coffee capsules in 2020 including the fact that it can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet. We need to be making all of the changes that we can, otherwise, we are putting our future at risk.

Another advantage of using a compostable coffee pod is that they are often reasonably priced and the coffee is still great. You don't need to worry about buying a special coffee machine as you can use your compostable pod in some of the best. This way, you can still enjoy your coffee whether that it a latte or a cappuccino and you won't even notice the difference in the taste.


Compostable coffee pods have come along way over the years and there are no more and more companies who are working hard to creating something that is better for the environment. If you are someone who uses coffee pods in your home or office, you should consider making the switch to something more compostable. 

Think about the effect that your coffee habit is having on the planet and try to make some positive changes. Hopefully, some of the bigger brands will start using compostable pods as well to help others make this change as well.