Switching energy suppliers save you hundreds of dollars every year. It is one of the finest ways to ensure your bills are not higher than they need to be. What's more, it is undoubtedly very easy to switch energy suppliers. 

What's more, changing energy providers won't take long. You just need to make a quick energy comparison, and then change suppliers in several clicks. However, there are a couple of things you need to know.

Here's a quick rundown on various switching energy providers, how to switch, and where to look for the best deals. Read on to know more!

Why Change Energy Provider?

The main reason why switching energy providers is a must is to save money. It is perhaps the sole reason and motivation for the switch. For sure, you might be amazed by how much money you can scrimp and save by changing your energy provider. 

In fact, you can potentially save hundreds of dollars here. Even so, there are other reasons why you need to switch energy suppliers. Perhaps you want better bill accuracy, better complaint handling, and better customer service. 

Or maybe you want more advice and suggestions on how to cut down your energy use. Another thing, maybe you are very much concerned about the environment, that's why you want to change your current energy supplier.

There are many green energy providers out there that offer a potent way to avoid burning fossil fuels, lower your carbon footprint, and make your way towards renewable electricity and gas sources.  

How To Switch?

You don't need to be stressed and worried about switching energy providers. With only three steps, you can successfully make the change. Check them out here: 

Make An Energy Comparison

There are many energy comparison websites online that'll inform you what you should and could be paying for your electricity and gas. To start, search for the current rates in your area, such as current electric rates in Frederick, Md.

Then, what you need to do is to type in a couple of details about your estimated energy use, current tariff or provider, and your home. With that said, make sure to have these pieces of information in mind. And in about five minutes or so, you will be presented with a list of relevant tariffs to choose from. 

Affirm Your Energy Switch 

If you've already decided, then you need to confirm the switch. You can either initiate the switch yourself and contact the provider directly or click through the website of your chosen energy provider and sign up.


Regardless of how you made the energy switch, everything will possibly be done for you. In fact, there's no need to contact your current provider to let them know that your changing because new energy suppliers will do it for you. Moreover, maybe you need to wait for a few weeks to know the exact switching date. 

When to Switch?

For some people, the penalties associated with switching energy providers can stop them from doing so. Whether you'll be incurred with penalties or not, study the details of your agreement to see if you are tied in a fixed-term contract, when it concludes, and if you will receive any fees or exit penalty for breaching the contract. 

Most exit penalties cost around $30. However, this fee may be worth it, considering your potential total savings. Additionally, do know that you are entirely free to legally change energy providers in the last forty-nine days near the end of your contract without any penalties.

Is It Worth It To Switch Energy Suppliers?

Of course! For sure, you have heard stories of your family or friends who have literally saved hundreds of dollars by switching their energy providers. So, there is no reason for you not to. As a matter of fact, it is wise to check out and assess annually to ensure that your current tariff and provider work out as the most adequate for you.

Moreover, except if you are very much loyal to a brand, you can switch energy providers whenever you want. Keep in mind that loyalty hardly pays off in the energy world.


There is literally nothing that can stop you from switching energy providers. Just make sure to compare prices to get the best deals. If you rent, it depends on your tenancy agreement if you are allowed to switch energy providers. 

If you are allowed, you will undergo the same process as it is for homeowners, which means you are responsible for paying your electricity and gas bills. On the other hand, if the landlord is in charge of the energy bills and you need to comply, you can still ask your landlord to change providers.