A number of people released a new set of clips that presents Amazon's latest robotic innovation. The videos included Astro, a tiny machine that can assist humans in almost anything with their house chores.

Amazon initially deployed the first batch of AI robots to an invite-only group as part of a beta program to test its abilities at home.

Astro by Amazon

(Photo: Amazon.com, Inc.)

The first shipping of Astro was launched last November, but since then, only a couple of clips have been published on social media and other video-sharing websites.

In the newest capture, Bob Rekieta shared how his Astro moved after being relayed with a voice command. The robot was instructed to get a beer from the "den" and could. The beverage was on its open trunk when it got back, although the robot did not have any hands to touch materials and was probably helped by another human to complete its goal.

The same series of clips presented how Astro followed instructions after being given a command to "find Celeste." After registering the command, the robot titled its face and scanned the immediate vicinity to look for the person. Ultimately, it found the beer, got the right person, and greeted her, "Hi Celeste."

Bloomberg reported how Florida state's fifth-grade teacher Matthew Nereim shared his experiences of living at home with Astro around. Nereim received the Amazon robot around just a couple of months ago, and since then, the teacher has been able to command Astro through the phone with ease. Nereim can even conspire with the machine to tease his dog.


Nereim explained that Astro could follow him in any direction around the house. It acts similar to the classic Alexa but in a portable approach. The robot can also carry beverages for the teacher through its cargo holder at its rear part. Because of the functions of Astro, Nereim compared it to Star Wars' friendly unit R2-D2.

Astro's launch was first announced by Amazon in September 2021. Until today, the purchase of the robot is only available through an invitation program that starts from $999. The limited units serve as Amazon's Day 1 beta program, in which the fortunate customers can relay feedback and other options to the company to improve Astro's functionalities.

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Astro's Home Service Functions

According to The Verge, Amazon spokesperson Patrick Santucci said they are receiving positive reviews from the patrons. It helps them categorize how people need to use the new AI machine.

Android Headlines said that Astro's price could jump to $1,999 from its introductory rate once Amazon releases the robots for a larger consumer group.

Astro is equipped with several features such as wheels, speakers, a microphone, and a high-quality camera. It comes with an app for users to modify their movements. The robot is powered by AI, enabling it to converse with its users and even flash videos and live streams on its screen whenever the owner needs one.

Astro was also programmed with a home security feature that can send alerts to the users once it detected an unrecognized individual. Amazon's Ring Protect Pro subscription allows users to get ahold of Astro's video history for up to 60 days. In the plan, Astro can carry out an autonomous, scheduled patrol around the house in high alert, investigating any unusual events in the vicinity.

Amazon's Astro can work with the Alexa Together service for a more convenient living, especially for individuals and older adults being remotely monitored by their families. Other robot functions include weather updates, playing music, answering random questions, video calls, and recording blood-pressure data.

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