People planning to take on a weight loss journey could exercise along with a healthy diet suggested by personal physicians. Eating foods that benefit the system side by side with physical activities would give stunning improvement to the functions but also the external features of the body.

Losing Weight with Cardio

(Photo: Victor Freitas by Pexels)

Physical exercise for a weight loss plan focuses on both the decrease of unhealthy fats as well as the toning of muscles. Various studies show that weight loss exercises are most effective when combined with weight and cardio activities.

Cardio exercise could benefit many functions of our system, especially the heart organ, and has been proven to decrease the excess fat from the body. Cardiovascular activities, also known as aerobic exercises, could be carried out without tools. These training could range from simple walking, jogging, and running.

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High-Intensity Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval or HIIT training is the perfect high-intensity cardio workout to get your blood pumping. Involves short bursts of intense exercise movements alternating with low-intensity recovery periods. It's just the exercise for people looking for a workout that burns maximum calories in short periods, reports the Times of India.

Some HIIT exercises that you can do are jumping lunges, butt kicks, mountain climbers, burpees, and jump squats. It's a great way for busy people that still want to include daily exercises.

Weight Loss Weight Training

According to Healthline, one pound of muscle needs roughly six to ten calories a day to maintain itself. This means regular weight training exercises increase a person's metabolism while losing weight.

This exercise involves either using your own body to improve your resistance against gravity or lifting weights which is why it is also known as strength training. It is associated with building muscles and lean mass while equally effectively losing weight.

You can do exercises for weight training, including push-ups, squats, and deadlifting.

Regular Exercise the Key to Longevity

It is a well-known fact that exercise strengthens and keeps the body healthy. According to previous studies, exercising for at least five hours a week can prevent the growing number of cancer diagnoses in the United States. Researchers say that exercising with a moderate-intensity workout could decrease the 46,000 cases of cancer being recorded in the country annually.

For the study, researchers scrutinized cancer cases between 2012 to 2016. The team noted that about three percent of the 30-year-old group correlated to physical inactivity. For males and females, cancer induced by lesser physical activities was seen higher in those who resided in the southern states such as Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, and others.

With today's advancements, more and more people are getting used to sedentary lifestyles. Sitting for hours in front of computers at work or school has become the norm. To combat this dormant lifestyle, it comes as no surprise that exercise is the best way to go.

Not only does it help keep your body fit, your immune system running and elevates your metabolism, but it's also an active way of minimizing risks for diseases and illnesses that otherwise would be detrimental.

RELATED ARTICLE: 5 Hours of Physical Exercise a Week Could Lessen the Risk of Having Cancer, Study Says

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