Once more, researchers are warning the general public regarding the devastating effects caused by climate change.

Climate Change Devastation

This time, the researchers claim that the planet's rapid alteration could lead to planet-wide disaster by the year 2100. A new study that more than 15,0000 scientists signed warns that planet Earth life is under risk as the planet approaches nearer to an environmental collapse. These 15,000 scientists were confirmed to be from 161 different countries.

The paper notes that across several decades scientists were consistently warning of an impending future that is categorized by conditions of climate due to today's growing and rising global temperatures caused by human activities. These human activities lead to the release of dangerous gases right into the atmosphere.

Christopher Wolf, a co-leader of the study and a postdoctoral scholar from Oregon State University, explains that while the research has a glim tone, it also offers rays of hope that come with intense strategies for mitigation. Wolf also notes that unless there are actions executed to target the root issue of the matter, the world is on a way to a possible collapse in its socioeconomic and national systems. This would also lead to an intensely and unbearably hot world and food and water shortages.

As part of the study, the authors covered several points that revealed that in the year 2023 several records for climate change were broken by grave and high margins. The researchers specifically noted that the Canadian wildfire season this year is unusually active. They think that this could be a tipping point for an all new regime of fire.

William Ripple, a forestry professor and a co-author of the study, explains that the patterns for this year are quite alarming. It is also not heartening to know that minimal actions and precautions have been done to address these issues.

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Behind Surging Climate Change Patterns

Like several other scientists that went before them, the 12 authors of the study and the thousands of scientists behind the signatories note that it is not only just the fossil fuel industry that largely contributes to this. Government representatives also subsidize these companies. This is one of the climate snowball effect's root causes.

The paper notes that from the year 2021 up to 2022, subsidies for fossil fuels doubled, rising from $531 billion to over a trillion. This is only in the US.

The authors of the paper note that it is important to change views regarding the climate change emergency as it is not just an isolated environmental concern but a pressing threat to overall existence. Among the many courses of action, switching from the use of fossil fuels and addressing rich overconsumption are two things that must be urgently done in order to stop disasters from hitting by the end of the century.

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