More than 550 million years back, the seas were overflowing with level, delicate bodied animals that nourished on organisms and algae and could develop as large as bathmats. Now the scientists from the University of California, Riverside are making a study of their fossils to find the hidden secrets of earth's first animals.

According to, Scott Evans, a graduate student in the Department of Earth Sciences, and Mary Droser, an educator of fossil science, both in UCR's College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, demonstrate that the Ediacaran-period fossil creature Dickinsonia created in a complex, very directed way utilizing a comparable hereditary toolbox to today's creatures. The study places Dickinsonia in the advancement of earth's first animals and grandstands how the huge, versatile ocean animal developed and created.

The research report on earth's first animals was published in the journal PLOS ONE. The report on Dickinsonia stating that when alive, this creature was flat and oval shaped. The size of Dickinsonia was between inches to several feet. It had a series of raised bands, which was known as modules, on its body, and these modules were used to classify these animals. As per the scientists, Dickinsonia is the first creature on earth for becoming large and complex.

University of California Today reported that the research on earth's first animals was going from many years. Scientists were working to find the taxonomic status of Dickinsonia. Sometimes it was being placed with fungi, sometimes worms or jellyfish. Now, in this study, it has been revealed that Dickinsonia, a part of earth's first animals is an animal which is now extinct.

The study on earth's first animals demonstrated that Dickinsonia's advancement, and especially that of the modules, was unpredictable and efficient to keep up the oval state of the creature. The collection of new modules, by a procedure called terminal expansion, proposes that Dickinsonia created relatedly to bilaterians. But the researchers don't agree with the fact that Dickinsonia is related to bilaterians because it lacks mouth, gut, and anus.