NASA -- Harvard scientists believe that the only way to put a curb on the effects of global warming is to keep the sun's heat from entering the Earth. How do you do this? The process of solar geotechnics, as well as solar geoengineering, will help keep the Earth cooler as scientists look for more ways to help save it.

Indeed, climate change is one man's greatest challenges. The search to prevent devastating consequences to people has always been the goal. Although scientists and politicians continue to argue on the many ways they think they can save Earth and all the life in it from being extinct, the outcome of their debate hasn't been truly fruitful.

Researchers in Harvard have suggested something different this time, but it sounds like it is too good to even be possible. However, the same study conducted by scientists from Princeton and MIT shows that the effects of global warming on Earth can be slowed down by working on reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth's surface.

Everyone thinks it is impossible, but such a process is what scientists called solar geoengineering. According to the study in journal Nature Climate Change, the researchers are looking at the possibility of introducing particles in the atmosphere that will not absorb the light and heat from the sun but instead reflect it back to the atmosphere.

Perhaps the only important thing about this method is that it does not promise to put an end to global warming. It isn't designed to bring back the temperature down like it was during the pre-industrial era, but it opens a door of opportunity for environmentalists and everyone else concerned of the environment and life to take their "save mother earth"  a notch higher.

Will solar geoengineering be the answer to global warming? The idea of it seemed so impossible until scientists laid out their plan. Its goal is not to take all the credit for keeping life on Earth possible. Rather, it aims at encouraging more people to take part in saving the planet. After all, everyone has contributed to the slow and steady destruction of nature and all the life it offers. Every step to saving mother earth should be a concern not only of the scientists but of everyone in general.

Peter Irvine, a research fellow in the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, said "Solar Geoengineering is like the drug that helps treat high blood pressure. An overdose would be harmful to health. Of course, everyone wishes there is no high blood pressure at all, but once you have been diagnosed with it, along with all the healthy options you're making, it is best to have medication to help lower the risks."

This analogy may not be an exact fit, but it will help people understand how solar geoengineering works. If you could help save mother earth or lessen the risks of destruction, wouldn't you go for it?