The United States Navy has confirmed the authenticity of three videos that show footage of "unidentified aerial phenomenon", or UAP, according to The Black Vault, a website that dedicates itself to the exposing of government secrets.

"The Navy designates the objects contained in these videos as unidentified aerial phenomena," Joseph Gradisher, official spokesperson for the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, told The Black Vault.

The first of the three videos was made public by The New York Times and To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science, back in 2017.

However, the confirmation of the authenticity of the videos does not suggest that the Navy believes we were visited by aliens. In fact, "unidentified aerial phenomenon" is just that, unidentified, unexplained, and not smoking gun evidence of extra-terrestrial beings.

Another video, from what looks like 2004, shows an unidentified flying object-a literal UFO-performing aerial maneuvers. A report by The New York Times, published in 2017, says that the UFO "appeared suddenly at 80,000 feet, and then hurtled toward the sea, eventually stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering."

The other video is footage captured by a fighter jet in 2015. This time the UFO passes below the jet at an extremely high rate of speed prompting the pilot to ask, "What the [...] is that thing?", as he is obviously in disbelief of what he is witnessing. The authentic video can be seen below.

Actually, the videos were supposed to remain a secret and was never meant to be publically released.

"The videos were never officially released to the general public by the Department of Defense and should still be withheld," Pentagon Spokesperson Susan Gough revealed to The Black Vault a few months ago.

The New York Times has reported on a 22 million dollar program by the Pentagon called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The program is meant to train military pilots on how to properly identify and report UAPs.

"There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years," the Navy said in a statement to Politico. "For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report."