Extended exposure to blue light like the one emanating from a mobile phone, computer, and any other household fixture is likely to affect a person's lifespan even if he does not have direct eye contact with the light. Relatively, studies have it that the blue wavelengths the light-producing diodes emit can harm the cells in a person's brain and retinas.
A study published recently in Aging and Mechanisms of Disease engaged an extensively employed organism called Drosophila melanogaster, the typical fruit fly, and an essential model organism due to the developmental and cellular mechanisms it shares with the other humans and animals. The same study examined the manner flies replied to 12 hours of exposure to blue light every day, comparable to the predominant blue wavelength in electronic devices such as tablets and mobile phones. As a result, it has been discovered that the said light fast-tracked aging.
How the Blue Light Accelerates Aging
Flies exposed to everyday cycles of 12 hours in darkness and 12 hours in the light had shorter lives than those kept in complete dark or light with the blue wavelengths removed or taken out. The flies that had too much exposure to blue light presented damage to their brain neurons and retinal cells and had damaged locomotion. As a result, their ability to climb the walls, which is a common behavior for them, was diminished.
In addition, it is also clear that even though light without blue slightly shortens the lifespan, the blue light alone can reduce life quite dramatically. Natural light, science experts note, is critical for the circadian rhythm of the body. And, with the extensive use today of the LED light and display of devices, human beings are subjected to adding amounts of light in the blue range since the typically employed LEDs produce a high blue light fraction.
How a Phone Accelerates Aging Through Blue Light
Long hours of exposure to the blue light coming from a mobile phone or computer speeds up aging, according to research. A study conducted by the Oregon State University on fruit flies discovered that soaking up LED rays destroys the brain cells. Relatively, the said researchers observed that mere exposure to the blue light minus the direct contact to the eyes can still accelerate aging.
Researches admit that giving up computers and phones is not a solution for most people. However, they recommend putting on glasses that have amber lenses for the filtering out of blue light and protection of the retinas. More so, it is also recommended that the devices be set from which they can block blue releases.