When you are driving down a road in California, the last thing on your mind is facing the aftereffects of a car accident. When these unexpected events occur, you can be dealing with police officers asking you questions, doctors telling you expensive medical treatment is needed for your injuries, and insurance companies implying you caused the accident or were not seriously injured. Whatever the case may be, it is important to note that more than one-third of drivers on California roads will at some point be victims in a car crash. Rather than be caught off-guard and left wondering what to do amidst the chaos, here are some key details you should always remember and use when facing these stressful situations.
Should I Stay at the Accident Scene?
While you may be tempted to panic and want to get away from the accident scene as soon as you can, it will be a huge mistake if you give in to temptation. Instead, keep your nerves in check and stay at the scene long enough to give police details about the accident, have your injuries looked at by medical personnel, and talk to witnesses about what they may have seen prior to and during the car crash. By staying at the scene until these details are completed, you eliminate the chance police will file charges of leaving the scene of an accident against you, which will only further complicate your life.
What If I Think I'm Not Seriously Injured?
Whether your car accident was considered somewhat minor or was a major catastrophe, never assume you are not injured. If you do, you are not only setting yourself up for a potential emergency visit to a hospital, but also giving the other driver's attorney and insurance company a gift on a silver platter. By refusing to let medical personnel at the accident scene check you over for concussions, back and neck injuries, and internal injuries that could affect vital organs, it will be difficult for even the best personal injury lawyer to win your case. Instead, no matter what you may think, let emergency medical technicians examine you and transport you to a hospital, where doctors can further evaluate your condition.
Do I Really Need to Call Police to the Scene?
If there is significant damage to vehicles and people are injured in any way, it is imperative you pick up your cellphone and call police to the accident scene as soon as you can. By having police at the scene, they can immediately act as a buffer zone around the scene, ensuring everyone stays safe and making sure the scene is not disturbed until investigators are finished examining the area. In addition, police at the scene will be required to file an accident report stating what they think caused the accident and who if anyone was responsible. By getting this report into the hands of your Los Angeles car accident lawyer, the process of developing a legal strategy can begin, giving you a greater chance of winning your personal injury lawsuit.
What Should I Say at the Accident Scene?
To put this as clearly as possible, you should say as little as needed to police and others while at the accident scene. When speaking with police or anyone, it is best to simply stick to the facts as you know them to be, rather than try to make assumptions as to what happened. Along with this, under no circumstances whatsoever should you ever spend your time apologizing to anyone for the accident. If you bend over backwards to say "I'm sorry" to anyone who will listen, these words will possibly be the downfall of your personal injury lawsuit. By saying as little as possible until you have spoken to a trusted and experienced car accident lawyer, you maintain a greater chance of winning your lawsuit.
Should I Accept an Insurance Company Offer?
When people are involved in a car accident, insurance companies do not want to see these lawsuits make it to a courtroom. Instead, they want victims to take quick settlements for as little money as possible. Because of this, once you are a car accident victim in a situation where the other driver was at fault, expect to receive a phone call or visit from an insurance company representative. During your meeting, the representative will probably try to initially confuse you into saying something that could imply you were not seriously injured or even did something yourself to cause the accident. If this strategy fails, the next option will be to offer you a quick settlement. While you may need money for medical bills or lost wages, do not jump at this offer. In all likelihood, the money offered will not cover your damages nor the pain and suffering caused by the accident. Therefore, always rely on the best personal injury lawyer you can hire to handle any communication and settlement offers involving insurance companies.
Is it Okay to Take Photos at the Accident Scene?
Not only is this okay, it is something that is absolutely essential to helping you win your personal injury lawsuit. Assuming your smartphone is still working, and your injuries allow you to move about the accident scene, start taking photos of vehicles damaged in the crash. Once this is done, take photos of cuts or other injuries you and other have, as well as anything that could indicate the other driver was negligent or careless while behind the wheel. This could include stop signs, tire marks on the road, and possibly traffic lights that were maybe ignored by the other driver. When finished with your photography, hand over your pictures to your lawyer as quickly as you can. In many personal injury cases, the pictures taken by victims at the scene can become crucial evidence to prove an accident happened a certain way. Therefore, take as many pictures as you have time to do, since the accident scene will only stay in its original form for a short period of time.
What Information Should I Get from Drivers and Witnesses?
Since you will be interacting with other drivers and witnesses, make sure you remember to obtain various types of information from these people. From the other driver, always get their name, physical address, and phone number. Just to make sure the phone number given you is valid, make a quick call on your phone to verify. Also make sure you get insurance information, make and model of their vehicle, and driver's license information. As for witnesses, you should always try to obtain their version of what happened regarding the accident. Even if a witness is hesitant to speak with you, they often will do so if you are polite and stress the importance of having this information. When speaking with a witness, get their name and contact information, and also make sure you obtain an accurate description of their account. Whether you choose to write down what they tell you or record it on your cellphone, doing so is crucial to your case. If you simply try to rely on your memory, chances are you will forget key details, and you will also make it easier for a witness to change his or her story later.
What Damages Can I Recover?
Because you will be working with the best personal injury lawyer in your area, you will have the chance to recover a variety of damages that resulted from the accident. For most victims, common examples of damages recovered include bills related to medical treatment due to the crash, loss of income from the inability to return to work, pain and suffering in regards to physical and emotional pain, property damage from anything in your vehicle that was damaged or destroyed in the accident, and possibly punitive damages should the other driver's actions be deemed extremely negligent or careless. To give yourself the best chance to receive as much compensation as possible, always document all damages. To do so, always have pay stubs showing how much money you were earning prior to the accident, bills for medical treatment, and anything else related that may be relevant.
Can I Be On Social Media During a Lawsuit?
While there is nothing to stop you from posting comments and photos on Facebook, Twitter, and other sites while your case is active, your attorney will probably suggest you take a break from social media until your case is resolved. If you make the mistake of posting comments or photos without thinking, they may be used against you and greatly damage your ability to gain compensation for your damages.
When most people are involved in a car accident, they fail to realize just how complex these cases can be from start to finish. To make sure you have a Los Angeles car accident lawyer who believes in you and will do what it takes to win your case, consult with attorneys at West Coast Trial Lawyers.