From the moment man learned all these concepts that shaped the world into what it is. In 2019, the Brainiacs and eggheads pulled a number of oddities out of the hat. Some are odd and very wonderful to the believers, but some touch the fringes where science and reason becomes strange. Here is glimpse of weird science and what made them amazing and others turned to believers.
1. Lochness monster DNA is sought after.
For many years, many a Lochness or Nessie have scoured the loch, but nada was found. To this day, the legend of the Monster is still alive, but another hunt is on the way. Instead of looking for Nessie, scientist took water sample to prove it exists. Too bad, another dead end is reached proving that the monster still can be found.
2. Knife made from feces.
An Inuit made a knife from his feces, that got frozen hard enough to cut open and butcher a dog. This is having been subject of debate for many researchers, but it did not work. Attempts to replicated it has been a failure, so chalk it up to something that went down the toilet.
3. Salamander Eating Plants
Pitcher plants are very carnivorous and it traps anything that stumbles onto it, literally into its belly. One surprise for scientist is finding salamanders inside many of these plants. Many of the plants found in Ontario's Algonquin park, had quite a number of Salamanders in them.
4. A tongue can smell like a nose.
Just found out that tongues react the same way as smelling, which explains some reactions when a tongue seems to smell as taste too. Both nerve receptors in both tongue and nose interpret taste and smell as the same in the brain.
5. Trees that suck the nutrients of other trees.
A vampire tree was found in West Auckland NZ, that was just a stump with roots latching onto other trees. This unassuming stump sucked the water from nearby trees around it.
6. Sonic waves that vaporizes liquids.
Try shooting a laser beam into a stream of water, it creates the equivalent sound louder than a rocket engine launching. It will be like a cup of hot water, but in an instant when laser hits. Heat boils and vaporized from sound energy released.
7. Black hole that evaporate into space.
When black holes lose mass and energy caused by particles disappearing, will cause the black hole to disappear into thin space. Scientists finally found the Hawking Radiation in one experiment proving the theory right.
8. Skrillex is disliked by mosquitoes.
There is new mosquito repellant, it is Skrillex that played in 10-mins intervals, show they hated the loud music that worked better than insect spray. Next time try loud music because mosquitoes are bothered by playing it.
9. Is it a particle or not?
By colliding particles in a linear accelerator, physicists were detecting Odderons as the protons and anti-protons allowed the detection of the odd particle. These Odderons are hard to detect and blink in and out of reactions, so it's hard to detect till now.
10. Oobleck? What it anyway?
This material is odd because it is soft, hit it hard and it gets solid. This is a rather substance that might uses else. Soft then turns hard and gets soft without force, one strange substance indeed.
It was truly amazing with weird science about the odd and the wonderful, that betrays reason. Dreamers see what others cannot and remake the physical world.
Related Article: The 10 Weirdest Science Studies of 2019