Out in the cosmos, the collision of two neutron stars caused enough ruckus to be heard in known space. These gravitons scattered and sent a graviton wave that was detected on earth way back in 2017. There is speculation that this event is a black hole and it just made the theory of relativity a bit out of whack.

According to this theory, black holes are compressed singularities with immense gravity where nothing escapes. When anyone or anything falls into the event horizon, it falls into a well of "eternity". But, there a wrinkle with the data collected from the 2017 event and Einstein's model has loopholes here.

 Some scientists call the echo a "fuzz" of a quantum black hole, as one of the scientists (Niayesh Afshordi) from the University of Waterloo in Canada. Points out what makes the event so unusual, compared to other galactic events in far space.

All matter should fall into the event horizon, and according to the theory of relativity (ToR), this is absolute. Breaking it will be problematic for some scientists on earth when the model for it has worked well.

 These echoes from the event horizon were unusual, and it must be some unknown structures far from the event horizon. All that causes the fuzz which scientists are buzzing about too.

Gravitons causing the waves are loud, it can be difficult to guess the actual nature of it for the most part. The deflection from the quantum fuzz is one new thing to learn, but the science to decipher it is not so clear. After the collision of the neutron stars, all the left-over fuzz was powerful enough to deflect and echo the graviton wave all over.

 Other astrophysicists (Joey Neilsen) are taking notice of this event, and think it does merit more study. It does lead to more questions that should flesh out the phenomena. Especially when the graviton wave echoes bathed more than one gravitation wave detector.

 Another astrophysicist (Maximiliano Isi) is a bit on the skeptical side, saying it is just another claim without results that can be studied and proven. He noted several papers that were more fleshed out but did not find the said echoes in the data studied.

 The study forwarded by Afshordi has treated the data in a sensitive way, compared to studies before this is one. He added more models were used to define fainter echoes than usual. There is less chance of false alarms from 2 in 100,000 chances to be considered an error.

Nielsen pointed out that if it is not an error, then what the echo is will be something else altogether. It will be the first time to encounter it.

 Some assumptions based on the observation of the scientists are these. Which reflect their opinions about the graviton wave event.

 a. What happened after the dual neutron stars crashed? Did a black hole form right after it.

 b. What exotic object created the echo after the event?

 c. Is the scenario suggested that is what exactly happened?

 d. data is seriously lacking according to Isi, not very convincing too.

 Whatever caused these graviton waves are out there and not understood, and scientists are in the dark. Here is another chapter of cosmology that is eating away at the theory of relativity (ToR) and our models of the universe. Stephen Hawking was on the dot?