One object in the middle of the Milky Way galaxy (MWG) perplexed astronomers for quite some time. It is thought to be a hydrogen gas cloud on a collision course with a black hole.

 The lead scientist, who is Andrea Ghez, professor of physics and astronomy at UCLA thinks that it can be identified. By all indications, G2 is a pair of binary stars that are revolving around the black hole but merged into a larger body. It gives off gas and dust as the gravitons of the blackhole affect the unified body of the two stars. As if quantumly entangles on a larger scale than mere particles.

All expectations dictate that if G2 were a hydrogen cloud, the spatial anomaly will be snacking on it sooner. But, there is no gamma-radiation or exploding matter which will affect the status of the black hole. An odd situation that defies what is expected of most interaction like that is another piece to decipher.

As of this time, G2 is still orbiting near the edge of oblivion, it seems uncanny that hydrogen will not be consumed. Blackholes are gregarious galactic gluttons, but it will not eat G2, and no energy spouts anywhere.

 These black holes are the monsters in deep space and form from the corpses of dead stars. Enter the event horizon and spacetime will tear matter to shreds. Seen mostly when they eat stars, feed on galactic gasses, and the energy plume is heard, seen all over the universe.

G2 is only one of many varieties of stars that frequent near the supermassive black hole. G2 is one of the exceptions because, by some quick, the immense black holes gravity created a binary star with star orbiting each other and an active corona of hydrogen gas too. Despite abrasion on both binary members, it will be okay.

 It takes 1 million years for a star's expansion, then settles right after combining both stellar masses. This phenomenon might be a common occurrence out there, in the galactic core are binary pairs which are massive stars, and not much is known about how these galactic mergers happen in full. Other observations of G2 reveal that it might be inflating with gases, and changing accordingly. This stellar oddity is one of the most interesting objects in the sky for astronomers.

Alterations in G2's structure is called "spaghettification" as the spatial anomaly stretches the binaries, this is normal for blackholes to do this. All over, the gas is burning hot and bright to cause gas and dust to the trail because of massive gravitation.

Their tool to see this galactic show is the Keck Observatory with its advance toolset for astronomers. Optics were developed by technology made by Ghez to correct distortions in images seen with the Keck Telescope. Advanced optics reveal more and lessens the fuzziness of images, like the clearer surroundings.

 More about black holes and binary star pairs, how it affects other stellar objects is known. It adds too much more that are compiled about the universe, at large.