A certain startling 3D simulation which was created by some researchers in Finland was able to show just how particles from a single cough can circulate in the air for about several minutes and even travel from one aisle to another, the iTech Post reported. The video highlighted the importance of major avoidance of busy indoor space during this time of the coronavirus pandemic.
This project was published just this week by the Aalto University along with three other institutions and was made to model a scenario in which a person who is inside the grocery store coughs in between shelves, spewing a cloud-like figure of "extremely small" airborne aerosol particles.
According to the assistant professor at Aalto University, "Someone infected by the coronavirus, can cough and walk away, but then leave behind extremely small aerosol particles carrying the coronavirus. These particles could then end up in the respiratory tract of others in the vicinity," which explains the dangers of these aerosol particles.
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