When it comes to a virus like the one that we're facing right now, there's not much you can actively do to keep it away - except for staying at home and washing your hands, of course!
However, it's not enough to just stay indoors and proceed with a random lifestyle. Namely, you have to boost your immune system and also keep it strong - as we all know, viruses usually affect those with weak immune systems.
As such, in the following lines, we'll tell you exactly what you should do to keep your body in perfect health, ready to fight any kind of intruder, even if it is a mere cold!
Nutrition and Diet
You shouldn't be eating everything you can eat and blame it on the fact that you're staying only indoors anyway and there's nothing else to do.
Even though you stay put, you still have to approach a balanced and nutritious diet. By doing so, you'll not only keep your weight in check but also boost your immune system.
For even more wellbeing, you can complement your diet with premium hemp CBD oil products or other supplements that relax your body and get rid of the anxiety that could make you eat more and with no control.
Enough Exercise
Exercise is a must in self-isolation - you can't just sit in your bed all day long watching TV shows!
If you find yourself in that particular category, then it's time to get up and exercise. Enough daily exercise will, first of all, keep you fit, as well as maintain your appetite, making you eat at the right times.
Then, exercise does wonders when it comes to keeping infections away from your body - however, keep in mind not to over-train. Come up with a daily routine/schedule that doesn't exhaust you but makes you break a sweat or two.
Proper Sleep Schedule
Once again, you shouldn't let TV shows and other activities mess up your usual schedule. While many of us may feel right now like they are in a sudden summer vacation from school, we shouldn't act as if we were children.
Therefore, even though you don't have to wake up early and go to work, you shouldn't stay up until four in the morning watching shows. Certain studies have shown that people voluntarily infected with a common virus that slept less per night were prone to developing more symptoms than those sleeping more than 8 hours.
Get Your Daily Dose of Sunshine
If you can't visit the surroundings of your house or don't have a garden, then you should at least spend 30 minutes to one hour per day looking out the window - with the sun in your face.
This is because your body desperately needs vitamin D, which is given by the sun - especially if you chose to follow a diet that doesn't contain a wide variety of vitamins.
Your skin, as well as your face and eyes, should still know what it's like to be outside!
The Bottom Line
There's really no complex science when it comes to keeping yourself completely healthy while in self-isolation. You just have to eat and sleep well, exercise daily, and follow your usual schedule so that you don't confuse your body.
Naturally, everything else that you need to do still applies - namely, washing your hands multiple times a day, wearing a mask when going outside, and avoid touching your face.
If you act like a responsible adult and not like a teenager in their summer vacation, your immune system should be in an ideal condition to fight viruses and infections!