The weather is fine, the sun is out, but so it the coronavirus. After weeks of being cooped up inside the home due to stay-at-home orders, people are easily lured outdoors, especially now that businesses, parks, and other recreational areas are starting to reopen.
Infectious health professionals don't believe that warm temperatures are enough to slow the transmission of the virus. Additionally, a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that temperatures had minimal bearing on the coronavirus transmission.

However, researchers found that restrains on mass gatherings, school closures, and social distancing were all strongly correlated with slowing the viral spread.
Dr. Humberto Chan, a pulmonologist at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, says going outside is good for one's physical and mental health. However, people must keep in mind that the coronavirus is primarily spread by being near other people.
Moreover, the possibility of asymptomatic carriers of the disease unknowingly transferring the virus remains a concern. With businesses starting to reopen, people might be confused that things are now starting to get better and returning to normal.
Although things may seem to be improving in some places, keep in mind that many people around the world are still suffering from COVID-19 and dying. With summer now in the air, here are some tips to make sure safety measures are observed while enjoying the hot, humid season as well.
1. Do a crowd check before heading out
When planning a trip somewhere, it's better to do a little research by checking the venue's website or ringing up the venue to do a crowd check. If the place is crowded, it would be best not to proceed.
However, if you insist on going, make sure you are fully prepared with face masks and hand sanitizers. Upon arrival, make sure that you stay six feet away from the closest person next to you.
Refrain from unnecessary gatherings and only go out when necessary. Open spaces such as wide, open fields, parks, and nature reserves would be most ideal, compared to bars, restaurants, and theatres.
2. Always have a face mask on hand
Ideally, when going out in public, it would be best to put on a face mask. Twenty-one US states have now implemented orders to make mask-wearing mandatory when going out in public.
Putting on face masks is sort of a touchy subject for some as they say it takes their freedom away from them. Nevertheless, numerous studies have proven that wearing face masks does indeed lessen the spread of the virus.
Having said that, make sure you always have a mask with you when heading outside of your home. Any type of face-covering would do for those without masks, such as a scarf or a bandana.
Make sure that the mask is tight-fitting so that no droplet particles would escape whenever you sneeze or cough.
3. Consider solo-type activities instead of group exercises
Doing group activities is more enjoyable. But during the coronavirus pandemic, it's better to be safe than sorry. Instead of playing contact sports like basketball or volleyball, go for other activities with lesser participants and more distance.
For instance, tennis and badminton would be ideal sports as they only involve two players with a great amount of distance between the players.
Moreover, solo activities, such as yoga and meditation, are also highly encouraged.
4. Consider choosing outdoor seating than indoor when dining outside
The World Health Organization has recently changed its guidelines for COVID-19, and the agency now recognizes as airborne transmission a possible transmission route for the SARS-COV-2 virus.
Additionally, they advise people to prevent congregating in small and enclosed spaces, such as restrooms and small restaurants. Establishments are also encouraged to check on their ventilation systems to ensure people's safety inside the building.
Furthermore, experts say that dining outdoors is better than indoors. Keep in mind that social distancing is still vital, so make sure tables are about six feet away from each other.
Since wearing a mask while eating is impossible, other cautionary measures need to be observed when dining outside. Also, make sure to wash your hands before and after eating.