Fertility anxiety worsened during the pandemic because of the continuous uncertainty it gives everyone, according to Glamour Magazine. Not to mention the backlog of appointments with specialists, sudden pregnancy surge in social media, and the ticking body clock. 

Approximately 80 million people globally have a hard time getting pregnant, according to the NHS. That means that one out of seven couples in the United Kingdom struggle to conceive. 

Most people might go through their 20s without worrying whether they could conceive or not but for those nearing the end of their reproductive years or couples trying to have a baby, it is an emotional roller coaster. There is a growing number of studies that stress and anxiety may tip off the hormones of women hindering their chances of getting pregnant.

Fertility Anxiety Puts The Body Into Fight/Flight Mode

Fertility and birth expert Kristin Hayward of the Zoe Clews & Associates said that when humans fail to reproduce naturally or if they find it hard to conceive, they feel like a failure because they do not "fit in" even in modern societies. The stress from that feeling creates more stress, anxiety, and an ongoing negative cycle.

Hayward added that in times when couples who had a hard time conceiving finally get pregnant when they least expect it may not be a coincidence at all.

When the person is stressed, its body goes into a fight or flight mode, and anything essential is put on hold, including conception. In other words, anxiety plays a significant role for couples to conceive. 

Read Also: A Stressful Pregnancy May Reduce the Chance of Having a Baby Boy

4 Ways To Beat Fertility Anxiety

Release your emotions and acknowledge that your partner may react differently when you have not yet conceived.

Being sad or grieving when you see that the pregnancy test is negative again is normal. Allow yourself to feel those emotions because releasing them can help your hormones in balance, according to Aspire Fertility.

Also, communicate with your partner but do not always expect that you have the same reactions. Women tend to be more affected with infertility than men as motherhood is one of the central roles of a female.

Be informed and make an alternative plan.

Research on the causes of fertility and available treatment options. In that way, you and your partner could come up with better solutions and feel more in control.

Additionally, make an alternative plan like choosing IVF, egg/sperm donor, and adoption. Think about what parenthood means to you and your partner and decide if you could try other methods. People feel less disappointed if they know they have other options.

Relax, take a break, but don't give up your life.

Practice relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques to help ease the tension in your body. Relaxation techniques lessen the production of stress hormones and increase the chances of getting pregnant.

If the feeling of fertility and anxiety is too much, take a break and allow yourself to regroup for a couple of months. Just keep doing the things you usually do and get involved in something that makes you feel contributing to get your mind off trying to conceive.

In short, get out and do the things you enjoy and try to relax.

Find a support group.

Tell your family and friends that you need their support in this time of your life by making them understand your situation. also, find a support group that lets you meet people with similar experiences as you.

If necessary, seek out professional help from a psychologist that can help you navigate through fertility stress and help you feel more empowered with your choices; it may increase your odds of conceiving.

Read More: 3 Tips in Coping with Coronavirus Anxiety

Check out more news and information on Anxiety on Science Times.