In November 2018, the InSight, the robotic explorer of NASA, landed on Mars' rocky, dusty, red surface. It was sent on a mission to answer questions about the crust, mantle, and core called the "inner space" of this Red Planet.
According to a Smithsonian Magazine report, "the robot is souped up with cutting-edge technology to gauge the conditions on the surface" and observe what's happening underneath the crust, according to NASA.
In a new finding, study investigators announced the crust of Mars appears like it comprises three layers. Reporting for Nature, Alexandra Witze said, this is the first time scientists "have taken an inside look at another planet" other than Earth, and the finding sheds light on the manner these rocky planets may have formed billions of years ago.
Just as geologists are doing on Earth, this research team used seismometers to detect vibrations rebounding through the crust to gauge what was taking place on Mars.
The Nature report said, recording how seismic waves are moving through the layers of the planet could expose when each layer begins and ends and what they are made out of.

Almost 500 Small 'Marsquakes' Detected
During their meeting, the research team reported that InSight had detected almost 500 small 'marsquakes,' although only a few with a magnitude higher than 4.5, said Paul Voosen.
Meanwhile, Science reported, stronger quakes are sending deeper rumbles through the core and mantle of the planet, which would enable the team to identify where such quakes originated, although Mars has been inquisitively silent.
Despite the absence of large marsquakes, the study authors were able to approximate how thick Mars' crust is.
In addition, the researchers predict it comprises three layers, although, possibly two, that are "between 12.4 and 23 miles thick.
Mars' crust is substantially thinner than that of Earth, which can have a thickness of up to 25 miles, which, Science reported, is surprising.
Originally, scientists theorized that because Mars has less inner heat than Earth, "it would have a thicker crust."
Older Material Recycled at the Bottom of the Crust
As specified in the report, Mars is still scattered with volcanos that are not active anymore. However, ages ago, the volcanoes enabled the hot magma from the planet's insides to "bubble up to the surface and build up the crust."
Nevertheless, this discovery is said to be throwing a "wrench in that theory." According to planetary scientist Stephen Mojzsis, from the University of Colorado, Boulder, since the Red Planet is very thin, it looks like recycling the older material at the crust's bottom instead of just piling more material on the top.
Only roughly 40 percent of robots sent to the Red Planet have successfully landed, NASA said. Because of the thin atmosphere of Mars, there is not enough friction that will help slow down the entering spacecraft.
However, InSight managed it there and retrieved data, and it is providing scientists with instrumental information on Mars' inner workings.
Bruce Banerdt, the principal investigator of this mission, said they have adequate data to begin answering some of the big questions about some big questions about this mission. Banderdt is also a Pasadena, California-based Jet Propulsion Laboratory planetary geophysicist.
Check out more news and information on Mars on Science Times.