When we think of calorie-burning activities, more often than not, we imagine an intense workout, although the calories we burn during workout are actually just a small amount of the total daily energy exerted, which is the calorie count burned in a 24-hour period.
Whether you're asleep or participating in a marathon, your body is constantly hard at work to keep your systems running, not to mention, supplying the essential energy to your muscles and working system.
In effect, the energy your body is using to breathe, ensure your regular and continuous heartbeat, engage cellular turnover and support function of the brain are all certainly quite substantial.
In a recently-posted article on health information site, HealthDigest, it mentioned Verywell Fit pointing out that, we are adding to our basal metabolic rate, our calories burned at rest, by executing a non-exercise activity like playing around, digesting food, and of course, working out at the gym for to sweat it out.
5 Surprising Yet Effective Calorie-Burning Activities
If you're looking into boosting your everyday burn of calories, experts guarantee, pumping up your workout routine will definitely pay off, although you wouldn't want to overlook other tactics for more effective calorie-burning activities. Here are five of the surprising and strange, yet effective activities that will help you burn those calories:
1. Exercising During Hot Weather Helps Melt Those Calories Away

Perhaps, you already know running a few miles is a great way for calorie-burning, although the specific calorie counts from person to person according to factors such as muscle mass, age, running intensity or speed and weight.
As mentioned in the EinsteinHealth's YouTube video below, the weather when you exercise can make a difference in the amount of calories you burn.
Essentially, exercise is a type of stress we place on our body and the systems of our body need to respond to such stress by sending more energy to our working muscles.
Therefore, when your workout out in hot weather, you are contributing to that stress of your exercise since, the American Council on Exercise said, your body needs to work harder for it to cool down.
If the core temperature of your body is naturally rising with the stress of workout, and it responds by commencing sweating so you'd stay cool, your body should work quite harder to perspire more if you are working out in a heat weather.
2. Cold Water for a Drink Burns More Calories than Water at Room Temperature

Research on the termogenic impact of drinking water, the calorie burn linked to assimilating water into the system, present some evidence that the colder the water we drink, the harder our body needs to work for it to cool the temperature while adjusting to it.
3. Eating Spicy Foods Will Make You Feel the Burn

If you have ever eaten something that's excessively spicy and discovered yourself sniffing and sweating, and probably jumping up to pace up as you reach for that glass of ice cold water, while trying to fight the heat, then, you're witnessing your metabolism to have kicked into high gear.
Registered dietitian, Douglas Kaman confirmed in an article that indeed, science does appear to specify that spicy foods, specifically foods that have peppers with capsaicin content, can increase calorie burn during and after eating
4. Playing and Moving Around a Lot is an Effective Calorie-Burning Strategy

If it seems hard for you to stay still or not moving, your feet may constantly bee tapping, or perhaps, you're always fidgeting around your house.
The good news is that this particular activity can contribute to calorie burning. The official term for this particular activity is non-exercise activity thermogenesis or NEAT.
According to Dr. James Levine from Mayo Clinic, who's taking the lead in studying NEAT, has claimed that this specific movement or activity can account for variances in terms of calorie burn of a maximum of 2,000 calories a day in people of the same sizes.
5. Breastfeeding One of the Most Effective Ways to Burn Calories

It's a common knowledge that a pregnant woman need to consume more calories during pregnancy because of the extra calories burned every day while her baby grows inside.
What's not known to many is that, breastfeeding is burning even more calories as to when the mother was pregnant. Every time that a new mother is breastfeeding, her body is accountable for the production of milk for the baby.
All that milk production is undeniably a tough job. According to Healthline, breastfeeding mothers tend to burn roughly 500 extra calories each day while they are generating breast milk.
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