Being in a happy, healthy relationship feels good. You enjoy your partner's company and hope to be with them for years to come.
The truth is that healthy relationships require work, patience, and a lot of communication.
Wondering how to strengthen your couplehood? Do these 13 things to ensure that your romantic relationship is thriving.
Have Meaningful Communication
In a healthy relationship, what you say and how you say it matters. Communication is not just about the good stuff. It is also about the things that are hard to say. Be as open and honest in your communication as you can.
However, there are times when you should rethink what you want to say.
You do not have to voice every critical thought that comes to your mind when discussing sensitive topics.
Checking what you say can help you communicate effectively without riling up your partner's emotions.
So, how do you know when to be open and check what to say?
Be in tune with each other's communication styles and emotional needs. Know how often your partner needs to talk to you. Also, learn the best way to approach touchy topics.
H2: Create Couples Rituals
A healthy romantic relationship thrives when you spend quality time with each other. In the daily hustle and bustle, you might forget to prioritize private time. Creating couples rituals ensures you have quality time with each other often.
You can set a date for movie nights each week. Going on walks in the evenings or having Sunday breakfast together are good rituals.
Having talk time where you catch up on each other's thoughts and feelings is important.
Focus on the Positive
Try to focus more on what is going well and less on what might be going wrong. Each day, remind yourself of the reasons you are grateful for your partner.
You can:
Say them aloud
Write them down
Or have them in mind
If something negative arises, deal with it positively. Work on getting solutions together.
Be Supportive
Couples in strong relationships support each other's interests. They acknowledge they may not share the same hobbies or friends.
However, this does not stop them from expressing interest in and supporting each other's goals. Supporting your partner's self-development goals makes them feel loved and motivated.
Agree to Disagree
Not every problem you encounter has a solution. Sometimes, you will not see eye to eye on an issue. Your efforts to resolve it might be futile.
However, this does not mean you do not care or love each other. The reality of relationships is that some problems simply cannot be solved. When you accept this reality, you can overcome many challenges.
Give Your Partner Space
Even though you are in a loving, committed relationship, there's also your personal space. You need your alone time, and so does your partner.
Embrace each other's individuality by spending time with people other than yourselves. A healthy romantic relationship allows you to live together while leading separate social lives.
Have Constructive Arguments
In an ideal world, you would never argue with the person you love. But the reality is that even the happiest relationships are not always smooth-sailing. Arguments will come up. It is important to have constructive arguments that end in a mutually beneficial resolution.
Know that disagreements do not destroy a relationship. How you deal with them does. Put boundaries around the discussion to know exactly which issues you are addressing. Practice active listening and avoid saying hurtful things.
Healthy romantic relationships require compromise. From small decisions like which movie to watch to big ones like where to live - you will have to be considerate of your partner. Being empathetic means understanding their point of view. You will sacrifice your comfort sometimes so that they can be comfortable.
However, it is important to balance your needs with your partner's. Even when you put yourself in their shoes, it should not be to your detriment. Compromise within reason so that both of you are happy in the relationship.
Be Affectionate
Physical intimacy is essential for a happy relationship. Touch releases feel-good hormones, lowers blood pressure, and improves mood.
Being affectionate with your partner reassures them that you love them. It is also a great way of spending quality alone time with each other.
Accept That Your Partner Is Not Perfect
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Being in a good relationship entails accepting that your partner is not perfect. It allows you to appreciate their strengths. It reminds them what you love most about them. At the same time, it makes you accept their weaknesses and work towards resolving them.
Some weaknesses cannot be done away with completely, and you may have to accept them. Try to see things from their perspective and understand that some actions may be beyond their control.
Know That Small Gestures Go a Long Way
Many people tend to focus more on anniversaries, birthdays, and romantic holidays. Sure, all these events are important. However, you can keep your relationship going by remembering the small things. The day-to-day occurrences we tend to overlook are just as important as the big ones.
Make your partner a cup of coffee each morning, drink wine together each evening, and reminisce the past whenever you can. These small gestures matter.
The simple act of saying "please" and "thank you" can go a long way in making your partner feel appreciated.
They say familiarity breeds contempt. Try not to get too used to each other's companies. Try not to overlook the small things that matter.
Keep the Novelty Alive
People who are in a romantic relationship for many years can get bored. Because you have gotten used to each other, the novelty may wear off. It is up to you to keep it alive.
Go on exciting adventures together. Reminisce your past by doing some activities that you enjoyed when you met.
Learning a craft together presents an opportunity to bond and discover a hidden talent. There is no limit to what you can do to keep the novelty alive.
Loving someone is about constantly discovering new things about them. Keeping the spark alive is one way of working towards better relationships.
Get Online Therapy
If you find that you struggle to maintain a healthy relationship, online therapy can help. Speaking to a qualified relationship counselor can help you come up with ways to keep you and your partner happy. You may not know it yet, but some of the hindrances to a healthy relationship come from within.
Online therapy at online therapy is especially useful in keeping a healthy romantic relationship going. Whether you need to vent or gain a fresh perspective, a licensed therapist can help you achieve it.
By seeking professional help, you are becoming a better partner. You can maintain a healthy and happy relationship.
So, How to Keep Strong Relationships?
Strong relationships take patience, commitment, and hard work. You have to be considerate of your partner's needs as well as yours. Although you may not agree on all issues, embracing imperfection helps to overcome challenges.
Know that occasional conflict can be resolved, especially when you are willing to compromise. Most importantly, consider getting therapy to better yourself.
Author Bio
Kate has a B.S. in Psychology and an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University and has been working in healthcare since 2017. She mainly treated depression, anxiety, eating disorders, trauma, grief, identity, relationship, and adjustment issues. Her clinical experience is focused on individual and group counseling.
Follow Kate here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kate-skurat-5348381b9/