Misleading reports suggesting that 5G cell tower testing in India caused the second wave of COVID-19 in the country circulated online. The country's communications department of telecommunications (DoT) underscored the reports are "false and incorrect."
"There is no link between 5G technology and spread of COVID-19 and they are urged not to be misguided by the false information and rumours spread in this matter," the department per Newsweek.
India's DoT underscored that theories linking 5G technology to the COVID-19 pandemic are unfounded and lack empirical support. Furthermore, there is yet to be any trials of the 5G network in India. As a result, the ministry explained that the assertion that 5G trials or networks are causing coronavirus in India is "baseless and false."

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Notably, mobile towers emit non-ionizing radio frequencies with extremely low power levels that are incapable of harming living cells, including humans. According to a Mint report, the department has set standards for radiofrequency field exposure limits like the base station emissions. These are ten times stricter than the safety limits set by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection and recommended by the World Health Organization.
The Department of Transportation has also initiated a national advertising campaign to assuage concerns about the health effects of EMF emissions from cell towers. The department distributes pamphlets or information brochures on a variety of EMF-related subjects, publishing extensive information on EMF-related issues on the Department of Transportation's website, ads in newspapers, and launching the "Tarang Sanchar" platform, among other things.
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Since last year, there has been a widespread belief that 5G technology is the primary source of COVID-19 worldwide.
According to some sources, 5G technology spreads coronavirus by 'sucking their human oxygen.'
Wuhan, China - where the COVID-19 originated - has some 5G coverage. For a long time, this belief was one of the reasons why some people believed the myth.
A Facebook community named 'Stop 5G UK, claimed that 5G technology weakens a person's immune system. Wuhan residents are the first to encounter this viral disease since they were the first to access 5G.
"What if all we are seeing in Wuhan is sickness from exposure to excessive 5G radiation, and weakened immune systems?," Mirror quoted a Facebook user.
Another odd claim made by a woman in a Twitter video was that people in Wuhan were suddenly 'falling over' due to dry coughs and pneumonia, resulting in the widespread use of 5G.
England's Health Agency underscored that there is only a slight risk that 5G technology will cause any damage to the public.
"It is possible that there may be a small increase in overall exposure to radio waves when 5G is added to an existing network or in a new area. However, the overall exposure is expected to remain low relative to guidelines and, as such, there should be no consequences for public health," Public Health England said per Daily Mail.
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