It's not precise to say that young American space enthusiast Alyssa Carson is getting ready to be the first-ever human to go to Mars on a one-way mission, as NASA has not selected or planned yet, specifically for a voyage in one direction.

East Africa News Port reported that with English-language posts shared thousands of times, social network subscribers in the United States, as well as media all over the world, have been exchanging messages to guarantee that Carson would never be able to get married or have children, opting to be the first human, as indicated in a similar ABC report, on the Martian surface and can never go back to Earth.

For instance, the Facebook posts of Viral attribute the source to "Crazy Science and Space Facts" and determine the student journey of the young woman at several space academies as initial steps to reach Mars.

Other publications compare Carson and model Kendall Jenner and position her on top of celebrities as the real role that American girls should play because of her dedication and educational achievements.

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The First Human to Travel to the Red Planet

The young American is currently preparing for the first time to be the first-ever human to travel to the Red Planet, social media and publications asserted.

The truth, though, is that NASA, a similar AFP report said, while admiring the enthusiasm of students like Carson, has emphasized that it does not have any link to the young woman and that it did not choose the team for Mars missions and that, in the future, it is hoping to take all the astronauts back to Earth.

After consultation with Efe, a spokesperson for NASA sent a letter verifying the entity, saying the space agency has a lot of ways it interacts with students to promote key missions and space exploration in general and that NASA loves to see students interested and excited.

The space agency said via email, though, it does not have any official association with Carson. It may be true that the young American space enthusiast, with a great ambition of reaching space since she was three years old, as she admitted having participated in multiple space training programs, she still needs to go through a process to be chosen by NASA in their space missions.

Human Exploration of the Moon and Mars

As indicated in the statement issued by the space agency, NASA is excited about plans for human exploration of the Moon and Mars.

During that time, they have not made any crew assignments yet, for the Artemis missions on the Red Planet or the natural moon.

The space agency has made it clear that it is not true that it is planning, as of to date, for one-way trips to any destination in space, not to mention that it is constantly considering bringing its crew back to this planet.

As NASA looks forward to its next steps in deep space, which include establishing a long-term presence on and around the Moon, as it gets ready to send astronauts to explore Mars, it will always carry its crew back home.

Related information is shown on Newstalk's YouTube video below:

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Check out more news and information on Mars in Science Times.