A 2019 survey of Cleveland Clinic's MENtion It campaign, which pushes men to see their doctors and discuss their health, highlights the negative attitude of men in seeking medical care.
Healthline reported that almost two-thirds of the respondents said that they avoid going to doctor's appointments as long as possible, and 37% said they withhold information from their doctors.
Dr. Deborah Lee from online pharmacy Dr. Fox said that men tend to downplay symptoms or put them down to old age because they do not want to appear vulnerable and believe they need to toughen it out.
But this Father's Day, here are some health tips from The Sun for the most important man in your life to make sure that they are getting the best care.

Daily Exercise is Essential
Having daily exercise is essential because it is not only good for overall mental health, but it also helps stave off cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in both men and women, according to the CDC.
Physical therapist Alex Crockford, the creator of the #Crockfit App, said that cardio exercise, like running, cycling, or swimming, could be added to the daily exercise routine. But he also said to make sure to include resistance training in the routine, such as weight lifting, squats, lunges, push-ups, and pull-ups.
Take Care of His Metal Health
Very Well Mind reported that suicide was the 7th leading cause of death for American men in 2015 based on the data from the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.
Dr. Lee said that men might feel the stigma of mental illness more than women, so they tend to internalize their emotions and fears more.
But depression does not always appear obviously in depressed individuals. Family and friends could start by asking their loved ones what they feel, avoiding making it a joke, and suggesting that they should "man up" as this could shut down the conversation.
It is important to make them feel that someone understands them. An emphasis on their feelings and making them feel that they are not alone will help them open up about their feelings.
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Getting Enough Hours of Sleep
Dr. Guy Meadows, the co-founder of Sleep School, said that men typically have higher alcohol consumption which could negatively affect their sleep. Lack of sleep could lead to other serious problems like cardiovascular disease and chronic lung problems.
He added that convincing your dad or partners to make sleep a priority is essential for overall health. If possible, get them to abstain for at least four days to a week and suggests that they stop drinking two hours before bedtime.
Slow Down Hair Loss
Hair loss could be caused by hereditary genes, hormones, medical conditions, or as part of aging, according to Mayo Clinic. In men, it could affect self-esteem, with a few of them could experience extreme anxiety and depression.
Trichologist Hannah Gaboardi said that hereditary male pattern baldness could happen before 21, although 50% of the cases start to form by 50 years old.
Gaboardi added that using biotin and omega-3 supplements on the scalp could help slow baldness as it could stimulate hair follicles by increasing blood circulation on the scalp.
Check for Prostate Cancer
According to Mayo Clinic, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer that mainly affects men at age 50. Symptoms could include blood in urine or semen, change in urinary flow, and peeing ore at night. Early diagnosis could lead to better outcomes.
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Check out more news and information on Men's Health in Science Times.