Early in the third quarter of 2021, DC Health presented an update regarding the local breakthrough cases. The information was released together with the mass rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, bringing much ease to local citizens.
Washington DC Health Authorities Released Breakthrough Case Data

COVID-19 alpha variant and the new delta variant are significantly rising across the country and throughout the state. However, according to the Washington City Paper, health authorities of Washington did not waver on keeping their citizens posted about collective cases, most importantly, with the 'breakthrough cases.'
Breakthrough cases are the population of vaccinated individuals that still tested positive for COVID-19. DC Health identified some of the breakthrough cases in the state and the general information about COVID-19-related status in their released data, which is also available to the public.
DC Health enumerated critical points about the COVID-19 update in Washington DC. Forty-five percent of the recent COVID-19 cases were reported to be linked with the delta variant. The spread of the virus is in 'moderate community spread,' according to experts. There were 6.5 cases out of 100,000 people recorded on a 7-day average.
It is hard to tell whether the surge of the delta variant will stop anytime soon, as the unexpected version of the SARS-CoV-2 hit states, including Washington. According to the DC data, 200 breakthrough cases were confirmed out of the 375,000 vaccinated population. In comparison, less than 1% tested positive for COVID-19 out of the fully vaccinated population. Out of the recorded 200 breakthrough cases, 13 individuals were identified to have been diagnosed previously with the coronavirus. DC Health published its report on the District of Columbia and is available for public reference.
Delta Variant Cases on DC Less Than 300
Because of the data, it is safe to tell that both the alpha and delta variants of COVID-19 are presently active in Washington DC. Based on the report by Washington City Paper, DC Health said that the alpha variants are still the dominant variant in the state, and the recent reports on the delta variant cases are still on minimal rates. The health authorities also informed that DC's data were not included in the CDC COVID Data Tracker's delta variant update due to the state having less than 300 cases of the new variant.
The Washington Post also said in their report that 83 percent of COVID-19 samples collected across the country showed the presence of the delta variant, compared to the 1% of samples that came from DC. It is too early to say whether this update indicates less transmission or better health protocols in the state, but the authorities in DC Health suggest that laboratory samples should be examined more frequently to determine the status of the variants present in the region.
DC Health authorities emphasized that the best way to prevent the COVID-19 variants from spreading and have protection against the virus is still vaccination. Mayor Muriel Bowser said that the COVID-19 vaccines are proven effective, and with the data gathered for the fully vaccinated population, there is no other time to get the vaccine but today.
Check out more news and information on COVID-19 on Science Times.