By the age of seven, what had you accomplished? Perhaps you'd beaten your favorite video game, built an impressive Lego structure, or perfected the art of sliding off a skateboard. Nicole Oliveira, on the other hand? She recently discovered seven asteroids, making her National Aeronautics and Space Administration's youngest asteroids discoverer.
According to the First Post's report, the young astronomer took part in the International Astronomical Search Collaboration's "Asteroid Hunt," a citizen science effort in collaboration with NASA.

On its official Facebook account, the agency said that Oliviera took part in the IASC asteroid search campaign funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology, & Innovations (Brasilia, DF).
The IASC thanked the Oliviera's parents - Zilma Janacá Oliveira de Lima Semião and Jean Carlo Lessa Semião - in a Facebook post. It received several comments from various Facebook users.
Who is Nicole Oliveira?
According to the same First Post report, Oliveira has been giving lectures in her hometown's schools despite her young age and vast experience.
Oliveira's mother revealed that she asked for a toy star when Nicole was two years old. Her parents believe that her passion for space will not lead to anything excessive.
Oliveira took part in a Centro de Estudos Astronômico de Alagoas (CEAAL) course when she was six years old. According to her parents, she went to all of the classes and then took the exam afterwards. She was successful in passing the exam, which is a remarkable accomplishment. Despite the pandemic, the young astronomer has started her own YouTube channel. She and her three other astronomy-loving friends discuss asteroids and space.
WIONews said CEAAL, the Brazilian Ministry, wanted to meet her after learning that she is the youngest member of the Alagoas Astronomical Studies Center.
Oliveira was also asked if she could present her narrative and inspirational remarks at the 1st International Seminar on Astronomy and Aeronautics hosted by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation.
Her accomplishment demonstrates that you can achieve anything at any age with the correct effort and initiative. Nicole is currently showing that young people can compete with pros in a variety of disciplines.
Other Space Discoveries Made by Kids
A 2011 story published by revealed that a 10-year-old amateur astronomer was the youngest individual to detect a star explosion known as a supernova. Kathryn Aurora Gray of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, discovered a supernova explosion in the galaxy.
The UGC 3378 supernova explosion was discovered near the dim constellation of Camelopardalis. It is estimated that the galaxy is 240 million light-years away.
Gray found the supernova explosion on January 2, 2021, using photos acquired on New Year's Eve of the galaxy UGC 3378. Technology has also played a significant role in space exploration, as evidenced by AI's ability to improve NASA's sun photographs to undertake further scientific studies.
Swidnica Poland also reported that a 12-year-old boy found a comet with the help of the Sungrazer Project. It's a NASA-funded project that searches for comets using photos from the US space agency and the European Space Agency's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft.
This makes me smile big! 😊 A new @ESA/@NASASun SOHO comet discovered today by *12-YR OLD* @RafalBiros! It's his 1st SOHO comet, and makes him the youngest SOHO comet discoverer... perhaps the youngest comet discoverer ever?! Huge congrats!! 🎉
— Karl Battams (@SungrazerComets) November 13, 2020
That's how you @DoNASAScience!👏
Rafał Biros, the young Whizzer, studies the contents recorded by the SOHO probe more frequently because of remote learning. He noted newly added photographs at that time and saw the comet. He reported his discovery, and he received confirmation of it about half an hour later.
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