Narcissism is a type of personality in which the person has no regard for other people's needs and makes them the manipulative person that seems magnetic and charming. They are often called a narcissist who is extremely vain and selfish.
They suffer from a narcissistic personality disorder which the Diagnostic Statistical Manual 5h edition (DSM-5) defines as "a pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy." Unfortunately, they make a bad partner in a relationship because of their manipulative nature and lack of consideration.

Key Signs of A Narcissistic Person reported that a narcissist targets people that have codependency characteristics because they tend to be easier to control. Here are some key signs of being in a relationship with a narcissistic person as told by psychologist Dr. Becky Spelman:
1. They Need Constant Validation
Narcissists need their partner's constant validation, so they will do whatever it takes to make them think that they are incredible. Their partners would need to constantly shower them with praises, encouragement, support, and admiration. If they do not receive these things, they eventually become withdrawn or abusive to their partners.
2. They Insist to Be Right All the Time
As mentioned above, narcissism is a self-centered personality type. Therefore, they will make sure that they are always right and will never reach a compromise or resolve a difficult situation through talking. They only believe that they are right and that their views are the most important, and having different opinions to them is wrong and see their partner's point of view as flawed.
3. They Lack Empathy and Do Not Care About their Partner
Although a narcissist might put some effort at the beginning of their relationship and make it seem that their relationship is passionate and exciting at times, they do not genuinely care about their partner's feelings. Dr. Spelman said that they hook their partner at first but then make them feel irrelevant later when they stop receiving admiration from their partner as they only care about their self-image.
4. Narcissists Do Not Apologize and Look You in the Eye
Narcissists are not capable of feeling guilty and feel no shame about telling lies or hurting their partner if it means getting what they want. Dr. Spelman warns that narcissists are unlikely to admit that they were at fault and even if they apologize, it is still because they are getting something out of it.
5. Other Signs
Other signs of dating a narcissist are they think they know you better than you know yourself, they do not look you in the eye, which signals their self-involvement, and they see sex as a way to be admired and seen as the best lover you ever had.
How to Breakup With a Narcissist
According to Healthline, there are five steps that you can do to prepare for a breakup with a narcissist:
- Remind yourself that you deserve a better partner.
- Strengthen your relationships with your friends.
- Build a support network with family and friends that will remind you of reality.
- Convince your partner to go to therapy.
- Consult a therapist yourself.
Clinical psychologist Dr. Angel Grace said that the best thing to do is completely cut ties with them and offer no explanation even if they attempt to get back to you. Do not offer a second, third, or fourth chance and just stick with your decision to break up with them.
RELATED ARTICLE: Types of Narcissism: Grandiose, Vulnerable, Each Differs in Characteristics, Triggers, Goals
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