Solabia-Algatech Nutrition unveils its new, multi-blend AstaPure MAX®, designed to reduce post-exercise muscle pain and fatigue. The new formula is centered on its flagship Astapure Arava® whole-algae complex, which delivers natural astaxanthin along with essential nutrients. It is combined with easily absorbed magnesium glycerophosphate and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). The formula's positive effect on physical resilience was demonstrated in a recent 8-week survey study conducted by the company.

Strenuous exercise involves placing unaccustomed loads on the muscles. The pain that ensues is commonly referred to as "Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness" (DOMS) and can signal damage to muscle tissues. Evidence links this phenomenon to the excess production of free radicals associated with oxidative stress. This can lead to muscle damage and extend the recovery time between workouts.
"Astaxanthin is increasingly gaining recognition both by industry stakeholders and health-conscious consumers for its valuable contribution to the sports nutrition sector," says Doron Safrai, CEO of Solabia-Algatech Nutrition. "As a world leading manufacturer of astaxanthin, our goal is to keep bringing astaxanthin-centered innovation to the market. That is why we developed the AstaPure Max formula uniquely for the flourishing sports nutrition category."
Watch the video on AstaPure Max here.
Solabia-Algatech's proprietary formula is composed of whole astaxanthin algae complex derived from the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis. AstaPure Max was designed to protect muscles from oxidative damage, enhance muscle performance, reduce pain, and improve recovery, resulting in improved athletic performance.
The company sustainably cultivates it in a closed and controlled system fully exposed to the natural sunlight that typifies the harsh desert environment in which it grows. This unique strain is naturally charged with high-value omega oils, fibres, proteins, vitamins, and phospholipids.
The all-inclusive AstaPure MAX composition also includes readily absorbed and highly bioavailable magnesium glycerophosphate. Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in numerous bodily functions. The muscles contain 27% of the magnesium in the body and is needed for muscle relaxation. Magnesium glycerophosphate consists of magnesium, glycerol, and phosphorus and unlike many other Magnesium formulations, does not cause abdominal discomfort or diarrhea. In addition, supplementation with magnesium glycerophosphate has been shown to relax contracted muscles.
AstaPure MAX contains also Vitamin B6 which serves a variety of functions and is popular go-to ingredient among sports professionals and enthusiasts whose active lifestyles puts them at greater risk for deficiency of this vital micronutrient. B6 is involved in numerous metabolic activities, including protein metabolism, muscle building and repair, and release of glucose from glycogen (needed to provide energy during exercise). It also aids magnesium absorption.
Solabia-Algatech conducted an in-house users survey study to assess the effect of AstaPure Max versus a placebo on 160 subjects who exercise regularly at least 3 times a week.
Over an 8-week period, 160 subjects were instructed to complete an online survey twice a week to monitor their experience, level of pain, cramps and recovery. While the MAX treatment group showed a substantial reduction in the number of subjects reporting pain, the placebo group showed only a mild reduction. In the treatment group the number of subjects that reported pain after exercise was reduced from 74% at baseline to 47% after 7 week and only 35% after 8 weeks. These results were statistically different from the results of the placebo group which reported 65% at baseline, no change on week 7 and a small reduction to 58% at week 8.
"AstaPure MAX offers a comprehensive and optimized blend of ingredients with our home-grown astaxanthin," explains Omer Grundman, PhD VP R&D and Biology for Solabia-Algatech Nutrition. "It supports muscle function and boosts cellular energy."
AstaPure MAX is uniquely crafted to provide a safe and wholly natural solution for athletes and sport-active populations experiencing muscle soreness following high-endurance exercises. It is suitable for hard-shell capsules, tablets and can be included functionally into gummies and bars. It is vegan, non-GMO, gluten-free and allergen-free, as well as kosher- and halal-certified.
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