Know Thyself, Heal Thyself is the powerful concept behind premier global lifestyle coaching brand HōL Healing and its development and launch of HōL Elevate, a year-long holistic health program featuring a comprehensive heart-centered, transformational approach to creating real, lasting change.
Now more than ever, people are seeking alternative healing and viable holistic self-care options to take back control over their physical and emotional health and lives.

HōL Elevate offers a 12-month mentorship program featuring a curriculum that walks you step by step through your specific health issues and provides unique insights into the mind, body, and heart connection.
The latest innovation from HōL Healing, a leading global holistic lifestyle coaching brand that expresses itself in the full spectrum of a consumer's life: work, relationship, health, community, and self-development. Seeking to redefine self-care as we know it, the company is fast becoming a definitive source of holistic solutions and information to help consumers manage their life with grace, courage, and good health.
"We provide courageous and comprehensive holistic health care that enables you to self-heal and thrive on your own terms. Our approach is simple, intuitive, accessible, and affordable," said Mona Awad, CEO, general counsel, and co-founder of HōL Healing/Holistic Lifestyle Systems. "HōL Elevate is the most powerful holistic health program on the market today for comprehensive health transformation. It represents the apex of our founders' 25 years of experience changing lives and hearts worldwide. If you want to optimize your health for good, achieve freedom from endless binge and restriction cycles, and truly elevate your mind, body, and spirit -- this program is for you."
HōL Healing has created a different approach to self-awareness that helps its clients explore and find their own answers on their journey toward healing.
"Our proprietary HōL Method represents a revolutionary approach to health and wellness, providing complete holistic healthcare that starts from the inside out," Awad explained. "We are not afraid of exploring our clients' emotional trauma, getting to the deeper roots of their issues and repeating patterns, laying down a powerful foundation for lasting change. This is combined with the knowledge of our industry-leading coaches who empower with the science-based holistic practices. HöL is more than a health approach. It's a health movement."
Understanding the links between gut health and emotional well-being is a key principle of HōL's physical health programming. Awad added that the brand's world-class health coaches are experts in how to:
- Figure out what "healthy" foods may be making you sick and bloated.
- Notice your eating patterns and how different foods make you feel - in your heart and your body.
- Understand the dynamic connection between your perception and your physical and emotional digestion.
- Tackle your nutrition in a way that works for you - individually - so you're always equipped to make self-supportive health choices, no matter the situation.
"As a company that stands proudly for the future of holistic health, we refuse to treat you like you're just a box of symptoms," Awad said. "We firmly believe that health care does not mean 'illness' care. It has everything to do with empowering you to navigate the nuanced connections between your mind and your body; your gut and your heart. You are what you eat. You digest your food as you digest your life. And when you understand how to take control of these two basic facts, your life will change in ways you can't imagine."
A lot of the self-help industry is predicated on shame, which is the opposite of her company's method, she explained.
"We never shame," Awad said. "We focus on courage. We celebrate our clients and whatever their experiences are, be those experiences of bullying, addiction, trauma, abuse, and rage. We recognize that what we often term as 'shameful' behavior is just a set of coping mechanisms that don't need any more pain and blame heaped upon them. So, we work from the proposition that everyone is sacred and we are here to help them be at peace with the parts of themselves that they want to change. We then applaud their courage and encourage."
Top benefits and features of the HōL Method:
- increased self-trust and self-sufficiency
- reductions in anxiety, depression, and loneliness
- increased vitality and capacity to thrive
- lower body fat and higher immunity
- much improved ability to navigate through emotional triggers
- reduction in reactivity
- improved capacity to respond to stress
- self-healing of trauma
- a material reduction in symptoms of chronic disease
- increased mindfulness
- reduction in structural dissociation
- increased capacity for self-directed change
It was during a difficult time in her own life -- following a divorce and the loss of her mother to dementia and diabetes -- that the idea for HōL Healing began to form for Awad. She later launched the company with Jator Pierre, the company's co-CEO, founder of the HōL Method, co-founder of HōL Healing/Holistic Lifestyle Systems, and a master Holistic Coach to CEOs and executives.
"I emailed Jator shortly after my mother died and said: 'I'm not dying that way.' And while it took a little while after that for the idea behind HōL to take shape, that was the second it was born for me," Awad recalled. "Coaching and holistic health changed my life -- plain and simple. Before discovering this industry, I spent my life on weighty policy goals and big deals. I have moved more money around more than I can count or remember. Several billion dollars. I have written papers for UNAIDS. I submitted an analysis of the 2008 financial crisis directly to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. I was led by my mind and my ambition and I barely noticed when my life started crumbling around me. Only when it was in ashes at my feet did I realize that I wasn't even happy."
It was this stark revelation that led Awad on a journey of self-discovery. Taking a holistic approach -- understanding the roots of her physical and emotional ailments and self-sabotaging patterns -- completely transformed Awad's life at age 40.
"It took me from feeling sick and stuck even at career heights on Wall Street, to feeling vital, brave, and self-supportive," she said. "Jator and I were convinced from the beginning that HōL would never approach change from the level of assuming that there was something 'wrong' with our clients, and with how they deal with life. People suffer a great deal in this world because they don't connect their heart to their health."
Awad credits the expertise and extensive experience of the company's team with the overall development of the HōL brand. The company's team also includes key contributions from Jason Olivea, the company's chief operating officer, a Hol Master Coach, co-founder of the Hol Being Community, and a former director of safety at the Phoenix Children's Hospital, and Isa Jul, head of coaching and co-founder of the Hol Being Community.
"We take each other's expertise seriously and do our best to listen," she said. "We know bringing holistic health as we know it to the mainstream is a tricky exercise, so we honor and acknowledge everyone's backgrounds and points of view. We are minority and female-founded, and our executive team is very ethnically diverse. We take pains to outsource to diverse contractors, and we have a strong bias towards social-cause capitalism. Together, we know that we have something remarkable to give to the world and the exact right talent came together effortlessly to express that."
The recent economic slowdown in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic also accelerated the company's work on the HōL Healing brand.
"If anything, Covid has highlighted the need for approachable, holistic solutions to physical and mental health. It has us recommitting to our mission to ensure that everyone has access to the simple - but revolutionary - approach we have to self-care and health care," she said. "No matter what your view on the present health crisis, our products give people an approachable and affordable way to change their lives. Everyone can improve their health and potential outcomes from disease by integrating our approaches into their lives. And our focus on community can truly help alleviate some of the worst and most acute symptoms of loneliness and disconnection that extended lockdowns have produced."
Awad envisions an opportunity for the brand to significantly impact the lifestyle coaching market that is currently a several billion-dollar industry, with estimates of its global size ranging from $7 to $15 billion.
"We feel there is considerably more room in the market as there is no comprehensive brand for holistic coaching and lifestyle product offering mainstream potential and traction," she said. "Much of the coaching world is a niche market, and we want to change that. When the consumer sees HōL, they will know that it stands for the best possible holistic health products and service."
HōL Healing has launched an Indiegogo campaign, (, to spread awareness among consumers, the holistic health coaching and health industry, and potential investors about the company's HōL Elevate program and premier holistic lifestyle coaching brand.
"We want to fund the launch and establishment of HōL and its products, so we can bring our brand of durable, approachable holistic health to the world," she added. "So often in this life, we suffer and wonder: 'Will anyone ever come to help'. That's what we are, what we do, and it's the reason we exist -- to help people be their own lights in the darkness. To show them that we accept them for who they maybe they can afford to extend that grace to themselves."