Belly fat or also known as visceral fat wraps around the abdominal organs and can increase the risk of chronic diseases, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, and is also linked to insulin resistance and high cholesterol. A study showed that people within the normal weight range are at higher risk of health issues if they have visceral fat.
Although there have been countless drinks that claim to have effectively burned belly fat, many of them were actually unsuccessful. But experts said that an apple drink could satisfy the sweet tooth while also burning belly fat.

Health Risks of Abdominal Obesity
The kind of fat that can be grabbed by the hands and located below the skin is called subcutaneous fat, according to WebMD. In the belly, it is known as visceral fat because it envelopes the internal organs, such as the stomach and intestines. It makes toxins that affect the natural functioning of the body and these chemicals boost chances of heart disease and insulin resistance.
Belly fat is sneaky because it is tucked inside the body, which gives the person the false sense of security of how healthy they are. That means, even a person who does not look overweight could already have a problem inside.
However, there are no special blood tests or scans that can tell that belly fat is putting one's health at risk. WebMD reported that the size of the waist could tell whether it already poses danger to the health. For women, a waist measurement of 35 inches or more is a cause for concern. While 40 inches or more in men could spell trouble.
Eric Jacobs, Ph.D., a researcher at the American Cancer Society, said that moving to a bigger pants size despite having normal weight for the height is already considered an important sign that it is time to eat better and exercise more.
Apple Drink Can Burn Belly Fat
Given the dangers that visceral fat carries, the Irish Mirror reported new research has shown a way to reduce them and promote good health but also satisfy the sweet tooth.
The study, titled "Evaluation of Safety of Excessive Intake and Efficacy of Long-Term Intake of Beverages Containing Apple Polyphenols" published in the Journal of Oleo Science, revealed that an apple drink can help reduce belly fat based on the findings of the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study researchers performed.
The team investigated the safety of an excessive intake and efficacy of a long-term intake of polyphenols from apples for participants who are moderately underweight to moderately obese subjects. They found that the placebo group had a significantly lower change in visceral fat compared to those who were given the apple drink.
Researchers explained that this type of fiber tends to bind with water and limits the amount of fat that cells can absorb. Other benefits that can also come from apples include lower cholesterol, improve insulin sensitivity, and preventing obesity and heart disease.
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