- In vitro testing of XPERIENCETMdemonstrated 4-log to 6-log reductions in planktonic (free-floating) bacteria and 4-log to 8-log reductions in biofilm bacteria (colonies of bacteria)
- XPERIENCE was shown to inhibit biofilm formation for up to five hours after application
- Study published in The Journal of Arthroplasty
Next Science Limited (ASX:NXS) (Next Science /the Company) is pleased to report that XPERIENCETM No Rinse Solution has been shown to have persistent efficacy against both planktonic bacteria and bacterial biofilms in a new study published in The Journal of Arthroplasty. The study, "A Novel Irrigant to Eliminate Planktonic Bacteria and Eradicate Biofilm Superstructure With Persistent Effect During Total Hip Arthroplasty," also found that XPERIENCE produced minimal cytotoxic effects to human tissue, allowing the solution to remain in the body without need for subsequent rinse. Additionally, XPERIENCE - cleared by the FDA for U.S. sale in April 2021 - was shown to inhibit biofilm formation for up to five hours after application.

Prosthetic joint infection (PJI) remains a significant burden in total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in the United States. Estimates indicate that, by 2030, the annual hospital costs related to PJI of the hip and knee will be US$1.85 billion.1 Interventions to reduce or prevent the occurrence of PJI continue to be at the forefront of research efforts and commercial development.
"The minimum standard of care for irrigation in orthopedic surgical cases includes normal saline, but an increasing amount of literature in recent years has suggested that different solutions or additives may be needed to prevent PJI," said orthopedic surgeon Ravi K. Bashyal, MD, the study's lead author. "Combatting planktonic bacteria and the formation of biofilm is especially important given the high negative consequence of developing a PJI in the total joint arthroplasty setting."
In the in vitro study, XPERIENCE demonstrated 4-log to 6-log reductions in planktonic bacteria after five minutes, and 4-log to 8-log reductions in biofilm bacteria. Future research using large-series in vivo data is necessary to further establish the irrigant's efficacy in reducing primary and recurrent surgical site infections (SSIs). An estimated 1.5 million SSIs in the United States each year2 contribute $3.3 billion to the cost of U.S. healthcare.3
The study also found that XPERIENCE showed higher in vitro antimicrobial efficacy than three other commercially available adjuvants. The comparative treatments each reduced biofilm in all bacterial strains tested by approximately 1-log or less when the application times in their respective instructions for use were followed. However, XPERIENCE reduced biofilm by approximately 3-log to 8-log when used as directed.