SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said earlier this week that it's "total nonsense" that people want to avoid having children because it's terrible for the environment. Instead, he urged the people to have more children to prevent the collapse of civilization or "at least maintain our numbers."

Elon Musk: Humanity Will End Up In Adult Diapers
SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk once again spoke about his stand on population and the environment. He believed that it's necessary to expand families, noting that "The environment is going to be fine even if we doubled the size of the humans," he added, Futurism reported.
"We don't necessarily need to grow dramatically, but least let's not gradually dwindle away until civilization ends with all of us in adult diapers, in a whimper," he explained in the closed-door All-In Summit via video call on Monday.
However, Musk did not back up his statements with proof.
Swedish researchers discovered in 2017 that having one fewer kid per household might cut carbon emissions by 58.6 metric tons per year in wealthy countries, CNBC reported.
Other experts, according to Vox, believe that a change in lifestyle coupled with a shift in pro-climate policy might have a larger impact on the environment than not having children.
Musk has stated that if individuals did not have children, humanity would collapse. He also expressed his concerns about world birth rates in the past.
According to Insider, the SpaceX CEO warned in December that if individuals don't have enough children, "civilization would fall."
Last week, he added to that argument by asserting that Japan's birth rate was decreasing and that the country may "cease to exist."
While birth rates are declining in certain countries, the UN World Population Prospects report estimates that the world population will reach 9.7 billion in 2050, up from 7.7 billion in 2019.
However, as Insider reported, birth rates often fall during economic downturns. The rising expense of living in the United States, for example, has caused many millennial Americans to delay having children.
The high cost of having children, limited immigration restrictions, and gender disparity have been blamed for Japan's population reduction.
Humanity On A Population Reduction?
With these factors, most scientists today indeed think that the world is on the verge of a massive population reduction, which might have various consequences.
Many people have cited the negative effects of overpopulation on the environment as among the reasons they want to have fewer kids or none at all.
Some claim that carbon footprint offsets may become obsolete as fewer infants are born because we'll be dealing with a rapidly aging population.
In summary, human-caused climate change is quickly degrading the ecosystem. Unless people make significant behavioral adjustments, the carbon footprint will likely only increase in the short future if the world's population continues to expand.
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