The 4th of July celebrations are usually the most fun summer holiday weekend for many with all the beaches, barbecues, and fireworks. However, pets do not share the same enthusiasm as humans during this time; it is even traditionally the worst time of the year for them.
According to Best Friends Animal Society, dogs react to the loud noises of fireworks by digging under or jumping over fences, breaking things, or shattering windows. The US Independence Day involves an uptick of fireworks and activities that increase pets' anxiety, which is why many go missing this time of the year.

5 Tips to Keep Pets Calm and Safe From Loud Noises of Fireworks
To avoid being separated from pets this year, here are some tips for keeping them safe from the loud noise of fireworks, according to Yahoo! News:
1. Keep Pets Inside the House
Several urban areas usually celebrate the festivity with fireworks and dogs are not allowed, except for service animals. Keeping dogs at home is advisable because there are not enough treats to comfort them from the pyrotechnic Armageddon outside. But it is best to keep them inside rather than in the backyard and make sure to keep them cool to prevent heat stroke.
2. Attach a Microchip to Pets
Since this is when many pets get lost, it is a great tip to attach a microchip to pets that can be used daily. In that way, fleeing pets can still be tracked. Make sure that the information on their tag is updated with an address and phone number.
3. Distract Pets
Try to dull the sounds from the explosions outside by making a comfy place for the dog and turning on a TV, radio, or smart speaker. Turn up the volume to completely distract them from the fireworks. Also, toys and treats could help distract them.
4. Clothe Pets That Hugs Them
Monitor pets' behavior by staying close to them and observing how they react to fireworks. Giving them clothes that hug them usually calms pets as it reduces their anxiety. An ordinary shirt several sizes too small for them or a blanket can be used to wrap them.
5. Behavior Modification
The Arizona Humane Society recommends desensitization and counterconditioning as anxiety-reducing techniques. It can be done by playing a sound that pets are afraid of at low levels and then feeding them high-value treats while doing this and stopping after the recording ends. Repeat it for several sessions while gradually increasing the noise level to see how they react.
Dogs Are Hypersensitive to Loud Noises
According to American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), fireworks could reach 150-175 decibels, which are louder than airplane takeoff with about 140 decibels only. Whereas hertz is used to measure the frequency of sound, decibels are the unit of measurement used to describe how loud a sound is.
If a sound reaches 85 decibels, CNN reported that it could already damage the ear. Although humans can hear up to 20, 000 hertz, dogs are more sensitized and can detect sounds at 45,000 to 65,000 hertz. That explains the physical and emotional damage that loud noises could cause them.
Fireworks and other loud noises make dogs bolt and they could get lost in the process. They could also get struck by cars, picked by strangers, or turned into local animal shelters with limited hours due to the pandemic, making it harder for pet owners to identify and rescue their pets. The tips mentioned above will greatly help prevent this as humans enjoy the festivities of the 4th of July.
RELATED ARTICLE: 3 Ways to Help Pets Overcome Separation Anxiety
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