Endangered male northern quolls sacrifices sleep for more sex. Unfortunately, this takes a severe toll on their health, causing deaths.

Endangered Quolls Give Up Sleep to Find Sexual Partners

Researchers from Australia followed wild roaming male and female northern quolls on Groote Eylandt, an island off the coast of Australia's Northern Territory, for over 42 days. They discovered that male quolls are restless.

Some of the subjects they studied walked more than 10 kilometers in one night, which is equal to nearly 40 kilometers in human distance based on their average stride and length, BBC reported.

Male quolls attract more parasites due to less time grooming to make the most of the breeding season. They are also not as vigilant as female quolls when searching for food or avoiding predators.

After the breeding season, more males are dead due to long-distance travel without enough rest. They give up sleep to have more sex.

Joshua Gaschk, the study's lead author, said sleep deprivation and associated symptoms for a prolonged duration would make it impossible for one to recuperate, which explains the male quolls' death after the breeding season. Gashk added that lack of sleep made them become easy prey, and they are also prone to vehicle collisions. Some died due to exhaustion.

The lead study author said further studies are needed to understand how sleep deprivation affects quolls and the wider families of marsupial mammals in Australia and Papua New Guinea.

He added sacrificing sleep was detrimental to quolls' survival, and they make an excellent model species to study sleep deprivation's effect on body function.

The study is published in the Royal Society Open Science.

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What is Sleep Deprivation?

According to Sleep Foundation, sleep deprivation is when one doesn't get the sufficient amount of sleep they need. Chronic sleep deprivation can increase the long-term risk of physical and mental health problems.

Sleep deprivation can be assessed based on the hours a person spends asleep.

The primary sign of sleep deprivation is excessive daytime sleepiness. It will also impair your daytime activities due to difficulty concentrating, slower thinking, and changing moods.

Feeling exhausted during the day is another sign of sleep deprivation. Lack of rest can worsen memory and prompt one to make risky decisions.

Chronic sleep deprivation can result in a wide range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, immunodeficiency, hormonal abnormalities, and pain.

According to Healthline, studies suggest that a lack of quality sleep can lead to a decline in mood, libido, and romantic motivation.

For those who are struggling to sleep, Salon offered some tips to be well-rested. They suggest creating a routine around sleep and sticking with it, keeping the bedroom conducive to sleeping and practicing relaxation.

Sleep is a natural process and should not be forced.

Dr. Amer Khan, a Sutter Health neurologist, sleep specialist, and founder of Sehatu Sleep in Northern California, told Healthline that sex could help one fall asleep. The feeling of affection and sensual touches can bring a sense of relief from stress, which contributes to relaxation.

Also, hormones like dopamine, prolactin, and progesterone are released after satisfactory sex. The said hormones bring a sense of relief, relaxation, and sleepiness.

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Check out more news and information on Sleep in Science Times.