A 47-year-old Nepalese man had glass in his butt for three days and needed to get surgeons to yank it out of his system.
Drunken Man With Water Glass in His Butt
As per the Daily Mail, the unnamed, married man with glass in his butt waited for three days before seeking medical assistance. He initially denied intentionally inserting the glass. However, later on, he admitted that he used the glass for self-gratifying reasons when he was drunk. The glass was reportedly 12 centimeters long.
According to Rare, the man tried to take it out on his own. However, his attempts were unsuccessful.
His case was reported in the Journal of Nepal Medical Association. According to the report, the specialists claimed that the man could not poop for two whole days. However, he could still pass gas.
Though the man reportedly felt pain, he did not experience internal bleeding or any anal injuries. His abdomen also did not swell.
During examinations, the man had normal behavioral patterns and moods. He also did not have any history of psychiatric conditions.
His x-rays revealed a glass cup that was positioned invertedly in his colon and upper rectum.
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Specialists Conducted Surgery To Take the Glass Cup Out
When thinking about how to remove the glass cup, the doctors ruled out sigmoidoscopy, which is a procedure that lets clinicians examine the sigmoid colon through a flexible tube with light. This was ruled out due to fears that the cup may break during its removal.
The man was asked to lie down on his back while lifting his legs. The surgeons tried to manually remove the cup. However, this attempt was unsuccessful as the cup could not be grasped and there was a remarkable risk of the glass breaking. If the glass broke, it may have injured the bowel.
While the specialists felt the glass situated in the man's colon, they were unable to remove it through his butt because of how the glass was positioned inverted, high up, and wedged tightly.
The medics were then left with no other option. They had to cut the man's stomach in order to reach the foreign object. They proceeded with a sigmoid enterotomy, which is a procedure that involves making incisions in the intestine. By doing so, they were able to take the glass cup out of the man's body.
After the surgery, a pelvic drain was also inserted into the man's body. This is often utilized in order to prevent fluids from accumulating post-operation and to check for leaks.
After five days passed, the man could defecate once more. The drain was taken out on the sixth day. The man was then discharged a week post-surgery. His follow-up appointment two months later showed that he did not face any complications.
Insertion of Foreign Objects in the Anus
The specialists note that, in the majority of cases of foreign objects stuck in the rectum, it involves men who are 30 to 40 years old. They also mention that, previously, beer bottles, rubber items, deodorant containers, batteries, and bones were reported to be found inserted in the backside of patients. They also add that this usually happens when patients are drunk.
NHS doctors are familiar with such incidents. In fact, according to the Daily Mail, data analysis from 2022 showed that around 400 foreign objects were pulled out of English anuses yearly. It is estimated to cost £340,000 per year for manpower and procedural drugs.
The medics note that most cases are related to sexual pleasure. For men, this may lead to prostate stimulation. The nerves in the anus also make it remarkably sensitive. For women, this may lead to indirect stimulation of the vaginal area.
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