Hearing loss is one of the health crises that the world faces right now, and it calls for promoting mitigation measures. The healthcare industry currently uses a one-size-fits-all method to develop most hearing aids. This contradicts the demand for a more personalized approach since every hearing loss condition is unique. Artificial intelligence has come into play and is starting to shape the future of hearing technology.

Addressing the Need for Customized Devices
Implant manufacturer Cochlear decided to collaborate with Google and Australian Hearing Hub to develop solutions for hearing loss through technology-assisted innovation. It focuses on creating devices such as hearing aids and cochlear implants.
Conventional hearing aids or cochlear implants amplify sounds in the environment, which means that background noises are also increased. This poses a challenge to the user as they struggle in noisy environments while requiring a lot of concentration to pick up words during a conversation. As Google applies artificial intelligence, sound sources can be better identified, categorized, and sorted.
As Tech Business News reported, this project seeks to customize hearing devices to address the personal hearing needs of an individual. This could significantly benefit people who use hearing devices in busy environments such as restaurants.
The teamwork is supported by coalition members that include the National Acoustic Laboratories (NAL), Macquarie University, the Shepherd Centre, and NextSense, According to Hearing Australia, the country led the new era in hearing services when it introduced the first hearing aid. Now it continues its commitment to providing innovations through different projects.
Impact of Hearing Loss
The World Health Organization reports that about 1.5 billion of the global population lives with hearing loss. This figure is expected to rise to more than 2.5 billion by 2050.
An individual is considered to have hearing loss if they cannot hear as well as a person with normal hearing, which falls under 20 dB or better in both ears. This condition comes in various levels of severity, and it can affect one or both ears.
Hearing loss affects a person in various ways. Losing the ability to communicate with other people can delay children's language development. In the long run, it can lead to social isolation and frustration, especially among the elderly. Hearing loss can also affect a child's academic performance or an adult's employment opportunities.
Deafness and hearing loss are reported in every country all around the world. Out of 34 million children with this condition, 60% are due to cases that can be prevented. On the other hand, almost 30% of elderly people have hearing loss.
The effects of hearing loss can be reduced when detected early. Specialized education programs and sign language instruction are proven effective intervention strategies for young children. Other approaches also include speech therapy and aural rehabilitation. As assistive technologies are developed in healthcare, experts have created customized devices, such as hearing aids and cochlear implants, which can cater specific to the need of a person with hearing loss.
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