Do you know that you shouldn't pee while in the shower? If you do this, read the article to see why you should stop urinating in the shower.
Here's Why You Shouldn't Urinate in the Shower
From a courtesy aspect, avoiding peeing in the shower may be advisable if you are using a public shower or sharing it with others. Yes, avoid urinating in the shower unless others who share it with you are on board with the notion and no one is roaming around with infectious diseases.
The shared shower situation is complicated because you might not be aware of someone else's infection, like a urinary tract infection (UTI). Infection-causing germs could be present in some urine, so there's a minor chance you could get something, especially if you have a cut or other open area on your foot.
Infections such as MRSA can be transmitted via a shower floor, Healthline reported.
Niket Sonpal, MD, a board-certified internist in New York, agreed there's a possibility of bad bacteria from urine entering a wound. He added that it is more likely to happen when one has a urinary tract infection and urinates in an open cut or wound. However, he said there is no guarantee that it would lead to an infection, per The Healthy.
Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, PUR Clinic urologist and Assistant Professor at UCF College of Medicine in Florida, who knows more about urine than most people, told Health that urine is sterile as it has no living organisms. However, it isn't always the case because some suffer from urinary tract infections, where urine can pick bugs when it exits from the urethra.
Is Peeing in the Shower Gross or Not?
In a short survey by the polling firm Yougov.com, 58 percent of respondents admitted to urinating in the shower. And 48% of people feel it's acceptable, compared to 42% who say it's not.
According to a similar British survey, only 25% of Brits believe it is appropriate for people to urinate in the shower, although over half of men admit to doing so.
Regardless of how many people admit to or deny urinating in the shower, the question remains: Is urinating in the shower gross or a major no-no when showering?
The definition of "grossness" is subjective. This is not a "dangerous" behavior from a medical perspective if you are in your shower, according to Dr. Sonpal.
However, there are certain restrictions. Urine shouldn't stick to your body after you've urinated in the shower, according to Dr. Sonpal. He suggested lathering up and rinsing to wash off any urine that may have gotten on your legs.
He advises ladies to stretch their legs while urinating directly over the drain to prevent urine from collecting around the feet.
Sonpal added that it would be worse if you share a shower with a person with a urinary tract infection. He suggested cleaning the area with soap and running clean shower water after peeing for sanitary purposes and as a courtesy for the next person.
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