Image by Riki32 from Pixabay
(Photo : Riki32 from Pixabay)

According to global statistics, the mobile app market has been growing rapidly over the last 10 years. Only in 2022, 255 billion mobile applications were downloaded by users worldwide. 

Mobile apps have already replaced TV, radio, and even laptops. We use them every day without even noticing. No wonder the market adapts and produces more and more apps, utilizing new trends and implementing them to engage with users. A great example of such new technology is VR/AR headsets, like the ones produced by Meta and Apple.

The Capabilities of Apple's New Vision Pro 

In June 2023, Apple introduced its new category of products - an AR/VR headset, which was called by the company itself a "spatial computer" as its possibilities exceed the ones the other AR headsets offer.

New Vision Pro from Apple presents:

  • Spatial operation system that blends with your environment;

  • A new way of interaction - using eyes, hands, and voice;

  • A remarkable content-watching experience with more pixels than a 4K TV (for each eye);

  • 12 cameras, 6 microphones, and 23 million pixels to fully immerse the user;

  • EyeSight technology allows you to see the surroundings while using the device;

  • The ability to work spatially - browse the web, send messages, create notes, and more.

This amazing device should hit the shelves in 2024 together with the launch of a brand‑new App Store. The new store will already feature various apps built for visionOS. We should expect a fresh approach to building apps and a plethora of new mobile app development services aiming to grab their slice of the pie.

9 Mobile Apps That Can Use Apple Vision Pro

The Vision Pro technology opens limitless possibilities for use in mobile apps. There are at least 9 categories of apps that will benefit from such an approach.  

1. Gaming Apps

Gaming apps are the fastest-growing app category revenue-wise along with social media apps. The new interaction method of Vision Pro - using hands, eyes, and voice - will allow gamers to immerse in the game even more and take the gaming to a whole new level. Thanks to the display quality, users will be able to see the smallest features of the game environment and characters. 

2. Virtual Assistants

We're already used to voice commands to control virtual assistants. So this won't be the most original use case for Vision Pro. However, now when you ask Siri to show you the weather, you'll be able to get inside the weather forecast using a 3D image. Virtual assistants will also be helpful while working or studying in the headsets.

3. Education Apps

Apple's headset will make learning a more fun and easy experience. Imagine being able to see and use the digital blackboard where all the info can be stored for days while you're studying. A combination of image, audio, and video will allow us to reinvent the way we study - starting from Math to playing musical instruments.

3. Productivity Trackers

Although productivity apps may not be the first ones to benefit from this newest technology, they can also be enhanced using Vision Pro. Productivity trackers can use data visualization, task assistance, and virtual workspace to improve users' experience and help them maintain focus while working or studying. 

4. Art Apps

With Vision Pro, you'll have your own digital art studio. Drawing becomes easier and less limiting using eye and motion instructions. Photo editing, 3D modeling, animation, and motion graphics will become faster and easier as well. It will also be a huge advantage for people with disabilities, allowing them to use their eyesight and voice to initiate commands. 

5. Music Apps

Musicians and music fans will also find the new headset astounding. Some argue that Vision Pro is the future of the music industry since it allows one to create music as well as consume it. The glasses let users visualize sound and reflect how the elements interact with each other. It also provides a new way of working with Digital Audio Workstations (AWS).

6. Social VR Apps

Vision Pro will revolutionize the way we consume content and socialize on social media. This will open new possibilities for content-makers and users alike. The device will allow users to find new friends, grow their community, and establish connections all around the world easier.

7. Meditation Apps

Mindfulness and meditation services could use this technology in a way that couldn't be imagined before. The sound quality, visual effects, and noise suppression will allow you to turn off the surrounding world and concentrate on yourself. You can almost literally feel yourself alone in the outer space.

8. Fitness Apps

Fitness apps and the whole healthcare industry will significantly benefit from the introduced technology. Gyms might not. Imagine being able to get inside the famous Jane Fonda's Workout, feel the vibe,  and repeat all the exercises without leaving your room! Visualization and gamified approach to fitness will help users stay more consistent with their physical activities. 

9. Streaming Apps

Streaming apps can use Vision Pro similarly to social media and gaming apps. Moreover, the headsets will have Disney+ available from the very launch - a result of collaboration between Apple and the streaming service. Users will be able to watch their favorite content on the imaginary huge screens and immerse in content similar to 3D and 4D technologies.

Leverage Spatial Computing for Mobile App Development

Overall, the introduction of AR/VR headsets in general, and new Apple's spatial computing technology, in particular, will revolutionize the mobile apps industry. Gaming, social media, and streaming will benefit from the technology the most. Education, art, and mindfulness niches will also be able to scale and develop. Others, like productivity and healthcare, will change less drastically but still be very noticeable both for users and providers. This technology will take our interaction with apps to a whole new level, a complexity that we can't even imagine. For now.