One reason why some men cannot conceive is the inability to make sperm. This accounts for 10% of infertile men.

The Inability To Make Sperm
In a new study, scientists uncovered what wrongly took place in the sperm generation process.
Researchers conducted experiments on mice and discovered that the meiosis process, which involves the body's production of haploid cells, had a single chromosome set instead of the usual two that turn into sperm.
Meiotic chromosome biology researcher Katherin Billmyre from the University of Georgia, a co-author of the paper and a former postdoctoral fellow from the Stowers Institute for Medical Research, explains that meiosis defects are significant infertility contributors.
Billmyre explains that to know more about the correct separation of chromosomes into reproductive cells, they are interested in what occurs right before this event, during the formation of synaptonemal complex forms in between. The synaptonemal complex is a meiosis-formed protein structure that forms a bridge between chromosomal pairs. This allows gene swapping and successful splitting of genes into haploid cells.
According to earlier research, mutations in the synaptonemal complex's proteins could affect the inability to make sperm. This is something that the study confirmed.
The researchers, who were from the Stowers Institute for Medical Research and collaborated with the University of Edinburgh's Wellcome Centre for Cell Biology, utilized a technique for gene editing to perform specific protein mutations in the mice's synaptonemal complex proteins. They discovered that just one mutation could lead to infertility among the rodents.
Scott Hawley, an investigator from Stowers, explains that they focused on a small region in one protein in this huge structure that they were quite certain could be a vital infertility cause.
Billmyre explains that what was exciting for her was how the research could help them know more about this essential and basic process.
The researchers are hopeful that the findings could aid with the development of treatments for male infertility, especially for those men who do not make sufficient sperm.
Male Infertility
While low sperm production is one cause of male infertility, blockages that prevent sperm delivery and abnormal sperm function could also be causes of the condition. Other factors, including injuries, illnesses, chronic conditions, and lifestyle choices, could also contribute.
Male infertility's main sign is the inability to have a child conception. There may not be any other clear symptoms or signs.
However, there are cases where the underlying issue is a genetic disorder, dilated veins surrounding the testicle, hormonal imbalance, or a sperm-blocking condition.
Other symptoms and signs include swelling, pain, or a lump in the area of the testicles, sexual function problems, recurrent respiratory infections, smell inability, abnormal growth of breast, lower sperm count than normal, and decreased body or facial hair.
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