There are about 40 types of Genital Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that infests over 20 million people in the U.S. and each year about 6.2 million more became infected. This is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the U.S. 

HPV is spread by sexual contact. Protection of HPV vaccine should be sustainable; but vaccinated women still need screening for cervical cancer because the vaccine does not protect against all types of HPV that cause cervical cancer. HPV vaccine is regularly suitable for girls of 11-12 years.

Doctors can give to girls as young as nine years. It is important for girls to get the HPV vaccine before the first sexual contact -- because they are not exposed to HPV. The reality is that some children, even at the age of 12 and 13, have participated in sexual relationships and this reality has affected the age at which the HPV vaccine is recommended.

"I think there was a lot of anxiety about this vaccine, which led to a slower rate of vaccination," said Dr. Gregory Zimet, professor of pediatrics and clinical psychology at the Faculty of Medicine at Indiana University and co-director of the Office of Indianapolis Indiana University-Purdue Research HPV.

Although he did not know why younger people in Indiana are not always with the HPV vaccine, he said that the overall rates of HPV vaccination in the nation for both sexes increased by 3 percentage points for girls and 8 percent for males.

The HPV vaccine is for men aged 13-21 and women aged 9 to 26. The vaccine is given in three doses allowed with locked separate doses two to four months, depending on the dose  "I think there are doctors who are sick in the uncomfortable feeling because you need to bring sexual behavior in relation to this vaccine," he added. However, some parents remain concerned that immunize a child for a sexually transmitted disease is  giving their children a permission to have sex. However, teenagers are afraid because they think that it may change their sexual behavior.

This is what the research result:

At children aged 12-13, 7% of them have sex

At the ages of 15 and 16, 28% of them have sex

At 17 years, 48%At 18 years, 61%

And 71% after 19 years

Over 25% of young people have more than one partner and 11% of students had sex with four or more partners

Regardless, if a child is sexually active, the HPV vaccine is important because the prevalence of HPV infection is impressive:

About 79,000,000 Americans are infected with HPV.

More than 14,000,000 people are infected each year.

More than half (49%) of these infections are among people aged 15-24.

Studies show that HPV was detected in 46% of women before the first vaginal intercourse. Based on this information, it is possible that a person can be infected during their first sexual intercourse. Even if someone remains in abstinence until marriage, there is no guarantee that the person you choose to marry is not infected.