With the advent of technology, people get stressed out when missing out with friends' updates. A new study attempts to explain why Facebook users have a hard time logging off their accounts. Researchers from the Cornell University enumerated why people can get enough of the social media.

The researchers utilized the data obtained from an online campaign that entice Facebook users to log off for 99 days known as 99daysoffreedom.com. They particularly paid attention to those who pledge but never resisted the temptation to log in to their accounts.

With these data in hand, researchers suggest four factors surrounding users' reversion. "The first reason is perceived addiction. Those who feel that Facebook is addictive or habitual were more likely to return," lead author Eric Baumer said.

"In the first 10 days, whenever I opened up an internet browser, my fingers would automatically go to 'f'," one of the participants who tried to explain the habitual aspect said. While another participant testified "I was experiencing withdrawal and felt socially disconnected. "

The second reason pointed is privacy and surveillance. Those who less likely return think that Facebook is observing their activities, while those who managed other people's impression have a greater tendency to log in again.

Subjective mood is the third reason cited. "In a good mood? You're less likely to renege on your pledge to stay off Facebook," the researchers stated.

And last but not the least, being a member of another social networking community. Researchers discover that being in touch with other means of social media like Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat resulted to lesser log ins.

"These results show just how difficult daily decisions about social media use can be. In addition to concerns over personal addiction, people are reluctant about corporations collecting, analyzing and potentially monetizing their personal information," Baumer said. On the other hand, he also pointed out that "Facebook also serves numerous important social functions, in some cases providing the only means for certain groups to keep in touch."

Thus, making a decision whether to use Facebook or not "highlight[s] the complexities involved in people's ongoing decisions."